AT TEFF Bank Qualifier – Elinor Fishery, Kettering – Sunday 30th March 2025

Final – Farmoor Reservoir 18th May 2025
All matches fished to AT-TEFF Bank Rules
Qualifiers scoring highest in their respective event will be invited to the final.
Fish counted per stand/peg, on a catch & release basis.
Entry Fee: £30.00
Fishing Fee: Payable direct to Fishery either before or on the morning of the match.
Min entries: 12 / Max entries: 24
Practice: no cut-off for practice. Arrangement directly with the host fishery.
Please contact Match Organiser Bruce Blackshaw for further details – 07415 301 918.
AT-TEFF matches now have an AT membership requirement. If you need to renew or sign up please visit or call 0343 5077 006 (option 1).
Cancellation/Refunds: Please note: If you wish to cancel a ticket, please inform [email protected] by email, and include your name, the name of the qualifier you would like to cancel, your membership number & postcode. We require 3 days-notice prior to the qualifier in order to process a refund. Any notification outside of this time scale will not be entitled to receive a refund. Please note: There is no secondary market for the sale or transfer of any tickets.
Sorry but only members of Angling Trust can purchase tickets for this event. Please login or register to continue.