AT TEFF Loch Style National – Block A – Rutland Water – Sunday 25th May 2025
Team England Loch Style National Qualifiers 2025
This competition consists initially of 5 qualifying events around the country. These qualifiers are in block A.
There will then be a further group of 3 heats in block B.
Finally, there will be a single further ‘catch all’ qualifier in block C. See rules and FAQs for entry opening and closing dates for these blocks. Or visit the TEFF website at
From these three blocks, approx 40 to 60% of anglers will qualify for the one day National Loch Style Final at Grafham Water on 28th September 2025. The final will have around 90 to 100 anglers competing (depending on total entries).
Note that a smaller percentage will go through to the final from the block B and C events.
All qualifiers are based on large still waters.
Maximum number of entries per angler is 3, one in block A, one in block B or one in block C. OR you can just enter block B and C or C only.
Entries to Block A heats open at 8pm on 15th January and close at midnight on 21st April.
Please only enter one heat at a time in any one block. You may enter into block B and / or C if you are unsuccessful in block A. Block B entries open on 26th May and close on 3rd June and Block C open 16th June and close on 24th June.
The ticket price total is £46.50
Eligibility rules
Where required in England, all competitors must be in possession of a valid Environmental Agency rod licence and be a member of the Angling Trust. To participate in an AT TEFF national competition, an individual must have been born in England, or be a citizen thereof, or have resided therein for at least 3 years preceding the date of the competition. For this purpose, Monmouthshire is considered to be part of Wales. Anyone living within 5 miles of the border between England and Scotland is considered eligible to fish for either country.
Entry requirements and rules of entry
In booking a ticket for this event you are agreeing to the following;
a) You have read the rules and agree to abide by the national and local rules.
b) You meet the eligibility rules above.
c) You have read this document including FAQs in full.
d) You understand by completing your entry you are bound by the terms and conditions. (downloadable from the Angling Trust Events website).
e) You have read the generic Risk Assessment for Loch Style events on the AT TEFF website.
f) You will not bring the name of Angling Trust and / or Team England Fly Fishing into disrepute.
g) You will respect the many volunteers and fishery staff that make the organising of these events run as smoothly as possible.
h) You will familiarise yourself with the match rules for the heat in question in advance of any practice sessions or the heat itself. (Note that match rules and fishery rules often vary). If you are unsure of any rules you are advised to make contact with the heat organiser prior to undertaking any practice sessions.
Any contravention of the above (a to h) may lead to disqualification.
Click the bold text below for Terms & Conditions. In purchasing a ticket you agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the documents below.
Please note: To compete in the Loch Style Heats and National Final you must be a valid member of Angling Trust, you can join here
Cancellation/Refunds: Please note: If you wish to cancel a ticket, you are able to do this from your member account by navigating to “Your Dashboard” in the top right of the website and selecting the “Your Competitions” tab. Alternatively, please inform [email protected] by email, and include your name, the name of the qualifier you would like to cancel, your membership number & post code. We require 3 days’ notice prior to the qualifier in order to process a refund. Any notification outside of this time scale will not be entitled to receive a refund. Please note: There is no secondary market for the sale or transfer of any tickets.
Competition rules are here
FAQ’s are here
Risk Assessment is here
How to enter
Ticket Information
1 day event
Entry Fee: £30.00
Fishing Costs: £13.50*
Local Admin Cost: £3.00
*Note that the entry fee shown only includes for half a boat – you still need to purchase a fishing permit by contacting Anglian Water.
Practice boats – for a one day boat contact the lodge directly
For a three days package contact Neil Atkins at Anglian Water
Total entry cost: £46.50
Max 60 rods
Match Time: 10.00 – 18.00
Entries open at 8pm on 15th January
Entries close at midnight on 21st April.
Sorry but only members of Angling Trust can purchase tickets for this event. Please login or register to continue.
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