
Lines On The Water
18 July 2024

Fishing Books for Kids

If you are looking to introduce a young person to fishing this summer, then the very best way is to…
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Lines On The Water
01 July 2024

Vote for a Fishing Future: How do the party…

My role as Head of Campaigns at the Angling Trust is to ensure our interests as anglers and our love…
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Lines On The Water
18 June 2024

‘It’s the water, stupid’ – the big challenge for…

‘When the world ends, someone will have daubed on a wall somewhere “It was the water, stupid” in a p…
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Lines On The Water
17 June 2024

Opening Day; A River, Its Fish And Its Healing…

The Opening Day of a new coarse fishing river season is always magical. For one angler, June 16th co…
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Lines On The Water
22 May 2024

Invasive Non-Native Species

Most people who fish know the impact Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) are having in and around our…
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Lines On The Water
13 May 2024

Book Review: Cast Catch Release

Cast Catch Release Author: Marina Gibson This is really three books woven into one. On the one hand…
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Lines On The Water
29 April 2024

The Angling Improvement Fund. How does it work?

Every year, the Environment Agency allocates income from rod licence sales to fund projects aimed at…
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Lines On The Water
08 April 2024

The Angling Improvement Fund – Funding Support For Predation…

The latest round of the Angling Improvement Fund (AIF) focuses on support for clubs and fisheries th…
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Lines On The Water
19 March 2024

Help angling and the environment – become a volunteer

“Volunteering? That’s giving up your time for nothing, right?” “Well no, not exactly. If you’r…
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Lines On The Water
20 February 2024

Fisheries Annual Report: How your rod licence fee improves…

In this guest blog presented by the Environment Agency, we highlight the latest Fisheries Annual Rep…
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Lines On The Water
25 January 2024

Salmon conservation and its ripple effect on river health

The decline of salmon populations is gathering more and more public attention. To some, this may see…
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Lines On The Water
18 January 2024

Protecting a legacy: the angling club safeguarding the future…

Park Mill is a stunningly beautiful 30-acre lake owned by the Haslemere Angling Society in West Suss…
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