

Protecting fish and fisheries from poachers and fish thieves and increasing rod licence compliance has to be of great importance to all anglers. The aquatic environment and the sport fishing industry deserve to be protected – and those who cheat honest anglers by not contributing to funding improvements must be brought to book. The Angling Trust has listened carefully to the concerns of anglers, angling clubs, fishery owners and managers, and in partnership with the Environment Agency has devised a very clear vision and strategy to tackle the issues. 

Come here to see the latest Monthly Prosecutions List of Fishing Licence Offences? Click HERE.

Fisheries Enforcement Support Service

The ‘FESS’ is a partnership between the Angling Trust and Environment Agency and funded by English freshwater fishing licence income. The FESS went ‘live’ on 1st November 2015, following the Angling Trust being awarded the National Angling Strategic Services contract by the Environment Agency.

FESS managers are all retired police officers of immense experience – and, as anglers themselves, perfectly understand the issues faced and required response.

The FESS builds on the groundwork and vision firmly laid between 2012-2015 and exists up until the present day to support the Environment Agency, the statutory lead on fisheries enforcement, through:

  • Coordinating a multi-agency approach to fisheries crime and compliance, encouraging a partnership approach. 
  • Raising awareness throughout the police service, Crown Prosecution Service and Magistrates’ Association. 
  • Helping advise the police and Agency and helping put things right should the service fall short. 
  • Increasing incoming intelligence and sharing of that information. 
  • Upskilling the angling community through Fisheries Enforcement Workshops and the provision of expert advice to angling clubs and fisheries. 
  • Delivering the Voluntary Bailiff Service throughout England, empowering anglers to contribute to fisheries enforcement. 
  • Delivering the Building Bridges Project, aimed at the education and integration of migrant anglers. 

Please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Enforcement Support Manager for professional enforcement advice. Contact details can be found here.

Voluntary Bailiff Service

The Voluntary Bailiff Service is an increasingly important partnership between the Angling Trust and Environment Agency, empowering anglers to support the police and Agency in fighting back against fisheries crime and protecting fish and fisheries. The VBS initiative continues to be enormously successful, driving forward positive change.

Effective enforcement today is ‘intelligence-led’, relying upon incoming calls and information.

The Voluntary Bailiff Service, therefore, is a unique opportunity for freshwater anglers in England to positively contribute towards supporting the Environment Agency and police in protecting fish and fisheries.

Following a hugely successful pilot project in South East England between 2012 and 2015, the VBS revolves entirely around training Volunteer Bailiffs to report incidents and information to the appropriate agency and to a high evidential standard, thereby increasing the chances of successful prosecutions.

The VBS is inclusive, embracing volunteers from all age groups, sexes and ethnicities and we welcome volunteers from all communities. The Angling Trust is also a member of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations.


Voluntary Bailiff out on patrol with Regional Enforcement Support Manager Dave Wilkins (left) and an EA Fisheries Enforcement Officer (right).

Due to health and safety considerations, the volunteers are not expected to approach anglers on the bank – but report what they see and hear. It emphasises how vitally important reporting is and calls should be made to the 24-hour Environment Agency incident hotline 0800 80 70 60.

The VBS is currently administered by six regions throughout England, each run by an Angling Trust Regional Enforcement Support Manager, who works very closely with the Environment Agency and police. Each region is sub-divided into areas, each with an Environment Agency Fisheries Enforcement Officer acting as a Single Point of Contact, liaising with a volunteer serving as an Area Co-ordinator.

Training is provided by Angling Trust staff, who are retired police officers,  the Environment Agency; Police Officers , and the Fish Health Inspectorate.

Volunteers receive an identity card and Angling Trust clothing. Most importantly, access is provided to the secure VBS website for reporting purposes and information sharing. All volunteers must be over 18 years of age.

Annually, the VBS participates in Operation CLAMPDOWN with the Environment Agency and police, cracking down on illegal fishing during the coarse close season. This is a perfect opportunity to promote and increase partnership working, intelligence gathering and sharing – and for Volunteer Bailiffs to work directly with the professionals on joint patrols.

In the year 23/24 The VBS conducted 288 Joint Patrols with the EA and Police and reported over 1000 Incidents

All anglers can help this process, in fact – at any time of year – by reporting information and offences in progress to the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60, or the police on 101/999 as appropriate.

If you are interested in joining the Voluntary Bailiff Service please complete the VBS Application Form:


What our volunteers say

“The Voluntary Bailiff Service has taken a step into the future and utilised the biggest asset that the angling world has, the anglers themselves.” 

“I honestly believe the VBS is a fantastic step for fishery enforcement and protection. The concept is extremely simple, however the information that can be received from it could be crucial in tackling many issues that the angling world faces.”  – Becky, East of England

“Becoming a Voluntary Bailiff has enhanced my job as a police wildlife officer and opened the doors to many new contacts in the angling and fishery businesses to assist with joint Patrols.”  – Nick, South West

“Great Training, information and advice. Flexible times and locations to suit you. A very enjoyable cause. Come and join us.”  – Terry, South West

“For me, Joining the Voluntary Bailiff Service is a way I can give something back to the community, making good use of my retirement. It is not about catching people doing wrong, for me the reward comes from educating and helping people do things right, both in terms of legalities but also in looking after our waters and wildlife.”  – Clifford, Midlands

“I guess I got to an age when I felt the need to give something back to the sport of angling. I was already a club bailiff and the Voluntary Bailiff Service seemed to be a natural extension of what the clubs were doing individually already. I firmly believe that the work I have done in my area has had a huge impact. I strongly urge all anglers who have some spare time to get involved.”  – Michael, North West

“The Voluntary Bailiff Service is a very important and vital organisation for us as anglers. As a Voluntary Bailiff I can help to protect our beautiful sport.” – Maciej, South East

“The updating of the electronic database is quick and easy and can be used by anyone without IT knowledge.”  – Ben, VB and PCSO

“Got to say I had a great time meeting and patrolling with you all. Great place and great people. Days like that are what life is about. Plenty of people asked me what the Angling Trust was about, it was great to get such a positive reaction.”  – Graeme, North East

Paul, an Environment Agency Fisheries Enforcement Officer, contacted us to say: “I carried out a joint patrol on Thursday with one of your VBS bailiffs. I just want to say what a credit he is to the VBS. From my perspective he is exactly what the VBS was set up for. Even if he doesn’t note any illegal activities, we know that on a regular basis the key areas are being covered without using EA resources, allowing us to focus in other areas.”


Fishing Licence Offences

Recent Prosecutions

The Angling Trust encourages all anglers to comply with the law and buy an Environment Agency rod licence at

The funds raised from licence sales are spent on improving fish stocks and promoting angling, including several programmes of work delivered by the Angling Trust itself.

This data is provided periodically by the Environment Agency, and only refers to prosecutions of anglers that were conducted by courts in England in the month stated.

It does not include resolutions by way of cautions, warning letters or advice and guidance letters.


March – May 2024

Total fines for March – May: £44,567.47

Average fine: £377.69


On 25th March 2024 at Barkingside, the offender Aaron Critchard aged 26 of St Johns Crescent, Broadbridge Heath, was prosecuted for the offence of Preparing to fish with No Licence, at Thorney Weir Lakes on 14/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £433

On 25th March 2024 at Barkingside, the offender Lee Menditta aged 47 of Cobourg Road, London, was prosecuted for the offences of Unlicensed fishing, and Giving False Details at Burgess Park Lake on 27/08/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £345

On 11th March 2024 at Northampton, the offender Alfred Bradford aged 44 of Foster Street, Walsall, was prosecuted for the offences of Unlicensed fishing and National Bylaw: OFB10 at Norton Mere on 15/08/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £247

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Ainsley Garner aged 30 of Town Terrace, Huddersfield, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 29/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Allan Dawson aged 42 of Hollyhedge Road, Manchester, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 14/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Benjamin Binns aged 32 of Chilver Drive, Bradford, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 04/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £251

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Bradley Richards aged 25 of Rathmell Road, Leeds, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Newhay Lakes on 25/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Carl Barlow aged 56 of Coal Pit Lane, Tockholes, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Fourstones – River Tyne South on 13/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £275

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Carl Bingham aged 41 of Malton Road, Intake, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Willowgarth Pond on 16/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £601

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Christopher Pollard aged 36 of Halifax Road, Bradford, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 04/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £339

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Craig Johnson aged 32 of Burstwick Grove, Hull, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Halsham Ponds, Halsham on 27/08/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Curtis Meehan aged 25 of Basil Avenue, Armthorpe, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Sandall Park on 17/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Danny Shipley aged 35 of The Avenue, Bentley, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Sprotborough – River Don on 07/08/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender David Rymer aged 57 of Leeds Road, Lofthouse, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 12/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £321

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender David Webster aged 62 of College Road, Bradley, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Warden – River North Tyne on 25/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £251

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Gregory Palmer aged 61 of Hough Lane, Leeds, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Leeds Liverpool Canal, Armley on 07/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Iain Edward Lewis aged 48 of Ruskin Road, Prestwich, was prosecuted for the offences of Unlicensed fishing and National Bylaw: OFNB2(2), at Bellingham – River North Tyne on 28/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £355

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Jamie McCluskey aged 35 of Canterbury Road, Bradford, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 12/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender John Wheater aged 27 of Kesteven Road, Bradford, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 12/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £219

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Joseph Rutherford aged 27 of Cotton Drive, Ormskirk, was prosecuted for the offence of Preparing to fish with No Licence, at Lady Wood Fishery on 11/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Leon Bushby aged 20 of Lime Tree Grove, Thorne, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Stainforth & Keadby Canal on 23/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Liam Firth aged 20 of High Street, Kippax, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Kippax Park on 01/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £367

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Matthew Cockayne aged 34 of Spark Lane, Mapplewell, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Lady Wood Fishery on 29/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £251

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Nicholas Nocton aged 53 of Bromfelde Road, London, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Warden, River North Tyne on 29/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £1,535

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Sean Kirby aged 29 of Northwood Crescent, Bradford, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Yeadon Tarn on 12/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £384

On 27th March 2024 at Hull and Holderness, the offender Vinnie Metcalfe aged 30 of Thomas Drive, Killinghall, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Aire and Calder Canal – Pollington on 23/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £367

On 27th March 2024 at North Cheshire, the offender Jakob Shaw aged 34 of Preston Road, Chorley, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Mill Pond – Also known as Heapy No. 6 White Coppice on 03/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £402

On 13th March 2024 at North Cheshire, the offender Jason Black aged 51 of William Avenue, Biddulph, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Home Farm Fisheries on 15/08/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 27th March 2024 at North Cheshire, the offender Stuart Duignan aged 40 of Cawood Square, Stockport, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Reddish Vale Country Park on 13/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 28th March 2024 at Swindon, the offender Aidan Powell aged 22 of Blackberry Road, Frome, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Farleigh Wood Pool on 19/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £189

On 19th March 2024 at Swindon, the offender Darren Broadhurst aged 46 of Carey Road, Southampton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at White Swan – River Itchen on 08/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 28th March 2024 at Swindon, the offender Magdalena Maslak aged 48 of Cedar Road, Nuneaton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Pavyotts Mill Lakes on 01/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £255

On 28th March 2024 at Swindon, the offender Mark Varney aged 51 of Grant Road, Exhall, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing, at Pavyotts Mill Lakes on 01/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £360

On 5th March 2024 at Swindon, the offender Owen Stockting aged 26 of Matheson Road, Southampton, was prosecuted for the offence of Preparing to fish with No Licence at Testwood Lakes on 16/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £201

On 6th March 2024 at Worcester, the offender Andrzej Sadowskia aged 66 of Alphonso Street, Dowlais, was prosecuted for the offence of National Bylaw: OFNB5 at Upton – River Severn on 05/07/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £181

On 26th April 2024 at Barkingside, the offender Ionut Bancila aged 35 of Malden Road, Watford, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Tylers Common Fisheries on 07/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 22nd April 2024 at Lincolnshire Magistrates Court (sitting at Boston), the offender Aleksander Boshkov aged 52 of Queens Road, Spalding, was prosecuted for the offence of National Bylaw: OFNB5 at Spalding – River Welland on 23/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £321

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Aleksandra Stepans aged 31 of Snowbell Square, Northampton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Billing Aquadrome on 14/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Alfred Bradford aged 45 of Foster Street, Walsall, was prosecuted for the offences of Unlicensed fishing and National Bylaw OFB10 at Norton Mere on 15/08/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £247

On 16th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Anthony Allen aged 37 of Bridgelands Way, Birmingham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Powells Pool, Sutton Park on 30/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £345

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Darius Hodgson aged 43 of Killisick Road, Birmingham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Butterley Reservoir on 18/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Emil Nicola aged 33 of Havelock Street, Spalding, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Spalding – River Welland on 24/09/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Jacek Lewandowski aged 33 of Frankton Close, Redditch, was prosecuted for the offences of Unlicensed fishing and National Bylaw: WRA034 at Harvington – River Avon on 15/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £496

On 16th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Jamie Wilson aged 21 of Mercian Court, Stanground, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Lovells Lake on 25/09/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 16th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Jean-Luc Chapman aged 28 of West Street, Enderby, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bluebell Lakes on 02/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Juozas Kubilius aged 56 of Fengate Road, West Pinchbeck, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at South Drove Drain on 26/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £237

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Kevin Taylor aged 59 of Hereford Way, Middleton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Ladybower Reservoir on 16/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Kingsley Vickers aged 29 of St Dunstans Road, Leicester, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bluebell Lakes on 02/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £373

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Lavris Kozlovskis aged 38 of Balfour Close, Northampton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Billing Aquadrome on 14/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Lee Hanson aged 34 of Belfry Close, Burbage, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bluebell Lakes on 02/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £375

On 16th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Nivk Wheatley aged 33 of Station Approach, Hockley, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bluebell Lakes on 02/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Paul Remer aged 62 of Park Road, Narborough, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Peatling Parva Pools on 25/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £403

On 16th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Paul Wilson aged 47 of Mercian Court, Stanground, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Lovells Lake on 25/09/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Rustams Svarcs aged 20 of Snowbell Square, Northampton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Billing Aquadrome on 14/09/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £321

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Shane Edwards aged 36 of Chantry Avenue, Walsall, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Powells Pool, Sutton Park on 30/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £297

On 4th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Tom Bell-Tye aged 27 of Bells Lane, Hinderclay, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bluebell Lakes on 02/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £296

On 16th April 2024 at Northampton Magistrates Court, the offender Zak Rodrigues aged 28 of Carlton Road, Boston, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Antons Gowt – River Witham on 15/12/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 11th April 2024 at North Cheshire Magistrates Court, the offender Andrew Almond aged 40 of Kirkstone Road North, Litherland, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Carrside Fishery on 27/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 11th April 2024 at North Cheshire Magistrates Court, the offender John Loan aged 43 of New Street, Keswick, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Windermere, West Shore on 12/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 11th April 2024 at North Cheshire Magistrates Court, the offender Luke Perry aged 25 of Arrow Court, Ellesmere Port, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Ruddy Pool on 04/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Albie Kelly aged 30 of Hutton Drive, Hutton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Berners Hall Fishery on 09/12/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £339

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Alexandru Sobolovschi aged 39 of Medway Road, Gillingham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Monk Lakes on 11/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £450

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Andrew Johnstone aged 55 of Lyndale Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at River Bure on 08/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Andrew Smith aged 38 of Shelley Square, Southend-on-Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bovington 2 on 02/12/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Ben Chatfield aged 35 of Mount Pleasant, Chatham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at River Bure on 15/02/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Benone Balota aged 67 of Fenlake Road, Bedford, was prosecuted for the offences of Unlicensed fishing and National Bylaw: OFB08 at Bedford – River Great Ouse on 19/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £751

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Ben Warboys aged 30 of Sterling Road, Sittingbourne, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Berners Hall Fishery on 21/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Bradley Anderson aged 34 of Hill Cottages, Flag Hill, Great Bentley, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Suffolk Water Park on 30/12/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £457

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Callum Cleary aged 27 of Underwood Close, Luton, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Manor Farm Lakes – Northill on 28/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Callum Dodds aged 25 of Gorse Road, Ipswich, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Hintlesham Fisheries on 06/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Claudia Samson aged 39 of Crowborough Road, Southend-on-Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Hanningfield Reservoir on 23/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £478

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Craig Wright aged 44 of Combs Wood Drive, Stowmarket, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Creeting Lakes on 22/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £240

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Christopher Cole aged 35 of Howgate Grove, Colne, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Fen Drayton Pits on 27/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Daniel Higham aged 31 of Queenstown Road, London, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Elphicks Farm Lakes on 16/02/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Daniel Leggett aged 23 of Acton Road, Bramford, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Suffolk Water Park on 22/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £175

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Daniel Marshall aged 34 of Sayer Court, Orton Goldhay, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Float Fish Farm on 28/12/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender David Chipperfield of Auriel Avenue, Dagenham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Berners Hall Fishery on 21/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £191

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Dylan Goodyer aged 21 of Nunnery Green, Wickhambrook, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Clayfield Fishery on 25/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £349

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Gareth Coldicott aged 47 of Woodcock Close, Norwich, was prosecuted for the offence of Preparing to Fish with No Licence at University of East Anglia lake on 14/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £325

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender George Connick aged 26 of Primula Street, London, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Farlows lake on 01/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £325

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Ian Bishop aged 40 of Midhurst Avenue, Westcliffe-on-Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bovington 2 on 02/12/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Ion Teletin aged 37 of Bishops Hall Road, Pilgrims Hatch, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Newlands Hall Fishery on 09/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Ionut Misan aged 27 of Coleridge Avenue, London, was prosecuted for the offence of National Bylaw: OFB10 at Hanningfield Reservoir on 02/03/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £367

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Jake Thomas Lilley aged 27 of Queens Gardens Herne Bay, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Loggies Lake on 15/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £349

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender James Dean Brown aged 27 of Albany Drive, Herne Bay, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Loggies on 15/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Jamie Grant aged 27 of Bishopsfield, Harlow, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Birds Green Fishery on 04/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Jazz Gratton-Thompson aged 34 of Station Street, Ipswich, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Breakaway Lake on 06/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Jesse Aliriza aged 28 of Greenfield Close, Dunstable, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Alders Farm Lakes on 14/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Joe Wigfall aged 43 of London Road, Clacton-on-Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Clacton Airfield Lake on 25/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £601

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender John Payne aged 38 of Blind Lane, Tolleshunt Knights, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bovington 2 on 08/11/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £435.47

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Kieran Smith aged 45 of Hornby Avenue, Westcliffe-on-Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Berners Hall Fishery on 21/01/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Kieron Telford aged 25 of Devonshire Green, Farnham Royal, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Wood Lane Lakes on 01/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Koyne Edwards aged 30 of Coleman Road, London, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Orchard Place Farm on 18/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £461

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Lewis Rotchell aged 29 of Chapel Street, Minster on Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Monk Lakes on 14/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £345

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Luke Cator aged 37 of Edgerton Road, Lowestoft, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Broome Pits on 10/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £329

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Luke King aged 21 of Spinney Road, Norwich, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Bridge Public House Lakes on 26/04/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Peter Harvey aged 53 of Park Square West, Jaywick, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Clacton Airfield Lake on 25/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £367

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Richard Wagstaff aged 49 of Lower Street, Horning, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Horning Swan – River Bure on 14/12/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Robin Smallbone aged 57 of Pickering Street, Maidstone, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at East Farleigh – River Medway on 15/07/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £403

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Rudy Nanton aged 26 of Osborne Close, Beckenham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Farlows Lake on 28/09/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Ryan Butler aged 24 of Swan Lane, Runwell, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at A12 Cuton Lakes on 27/01/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £328

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Samuel Morton aged 26 of Cliff Gardens, Minster on Sea, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Monk Lakes on 14/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £507

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Stephen Butt aged 37 of Rayfield Close, Bromley, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Orchard Place farm on 07/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 16th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Steven Lloyd aged 30 of Chertsey Road, Feltham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Farlows Lake on 19/10/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £485

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Thomas Creane aged 31 of Emperor Circle, Ipswich, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Suffolk Water Park on 30/12/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £506

On 25th April 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Trumayne Lintonbon-Baker aged 26 of Lower Road, Hundon, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Clayfield Fishery on 25/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £339

On 9th April 2024 at Swindon, the offender Christopher Way aged 30 of York Road, Plymouth, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Porth Reservoir, Newquay on 20/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 12th April 2024 at Swindon, the offender Thomas Saint aged 23 of Nursling Street, Nursling, was prosecuted for the offence of Preparing to Fish with No Licence at Testwood Lakes on 16/09/2023, received a verdict of PGuilty and was fined £191

On 25th April 2024 at West Hampshire Court (sitting at Southampton), the offender Alex Ferrucci aged 19 of Fleet Road, Fleet, was prosecuted for the offences of Unlicensed fishing and National Byelaw: OFNB5 at Riverside – River Itchen on 28/06/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £275

On 13th May 2024 at Barkingside, the offender Lesley Fright aged 63 of Cedar Close, Broadstairs, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Manor Fishery on 07/01/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £296

On 9th May 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Calvin Keighley aged 55 of Epsom Close, Stevenage, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Newlands Hall Fishery on 07/01/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 9th May 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Carl Rookard aged 31 of Bury Street, Stowmarket, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Suffolk Water Park on 30/12/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 9th May 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Edward Moore aged 37 of Castle Road, Colchester, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at St Ives Pits on 06/02/2024, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £121

On 9th May 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Jordan Wyatt aged 33 of Hampshire Close, Chatham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing  at Berners Hall Fishery on 09/12/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 9th May 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Ovidiu Ignatoaie aged 42 of Dairyglen Avenue, Cheshunt, was prosecuted for the offence of National Byelaw: OFB08 at Hanningfield Reservoir on 02/03/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 9th May 2024 at Sussex Eastern Lja Hastings, the offender Paul Wake aged 54 of Park Drive, Worlingham, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at St Ives Pits on 06/02/2024, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443

On 7th May 2024 at Swindon, the offender Jakub Jaslikowski aged 23 of Blackberry Road, Frome, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Farleigh Wood Pool on 19/11/2023, received a verdict of Guilty and was fined £349

On 7th May 2024 at Swindon, the offender Kevin Tadd aged 46 of West Street, Bridgwater, was prosecuted for the offence of Unlicensed fishing at Ash Ponds on 01/10/2023, received a verdict of Proof in Absence and was fined £443


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The Limited Licence granted by the Angling Trust to use the information on this web page will automatically expire 3 calendar months from the date that it is first uploaded to the Angling Trust website. For the avoidance of doubt this varies the limited licence described elsewhere in this website’s Limited Notice.

Monthly Fisheries Prosecutions.
Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary of Terms

1. I didn’t know about the court hearing date, what can I do? You can contact the Magistrates Court and ask for the case to be re-opened.

2. Why are the outcomes different for the same offence? At each hearing, the Magistrates take into consideration: the facts of the case, the attitude of the offender, any mitigation offered by the offender and their ability to pay any financial punishment.

Glossary of Terms
‘Penalty’ The penalty is what offender has to pay. It comprises the sum of the fine for the offence committed; a contribution to the Environment Agency costs; the Criminal Court Charge and a victim surcharge. The fine and victim surcharge is decided by the Magistrates hearing the case on the day. Fines go to the treasury. Costs go to the Environment Agency and contribute to the cost incurred in taking the case to court. Victim Surcharge goes to a specific fund for victims of crime. See:

‘Proof in Absence’ The defendant did not enter a plea at the time their case was heard. The Court convicted the person in their absence.

‘Absolute Discharge’ The defendant is guilty but no fine is imposed

‘Conditional Discharge’ The defendant is guilty but no fine is imposed. There are conditions attached to the discharge: if re-offending occurs within the period of the discharge, the defendant can be sentenced for the original offence and the new one.

‘forfeiture order’ Equipment used in the offence is taken from the defendant and destroyed.

‘disqualification order’ The defendant is disqualified for a period of time, from holding or obtaining a fishing licence. You can’t fish during the period of disqualification.

Offence Code and Laymans Terms


  • OF329: Using more than one rod and line when fishing for Salmonoids in all rivers, streams, drains and canals
  • OFB08: Exceeded the 3 metre distance between rods
  • OFB10: Leaving Rod(s) and Line(s) unattended
  • OFNB2 (2): Fishing for Trout in the Close Season
  • OFNB3 (3): Removed eels or shad by rod and line from any waters
  • OFNB5: Use of a keepnet less than 2 metres in length
  • OFNB8: Fishing with more than four rods and lines at the same time when fishing for coarse fish or Eels
  • OFRB5 (North East): Used an illegal lure or bait
  • OFRB7: During the close season fished for Salmon, migratory Trout or non migratory Trout, other than with artificial fly or lure
  • OFRB8 (Southern): Used an illegal lure or bait
  • OFRB18 (1): Use of fish as bait in Lake District
  • TA002: Person who unlawfully takes, destroys or attempts to take/destroy any fish in water which is private property
  • WRA041: Fishing in a prohibited area
  • WRA034: Removed any listed freshwater fish by rod and line from any river, stream or drain, or listed water

Operation TRAVERSE and Operation LEVIATHAN



Poaching – fishing without permission – and fish theft, along with anti-social behaviour and other crime at fisheries are of great concern to all anglers.

Whilst the police deal with criminal matters, the Environment Agency is the statutory lead agency on fisheries enforcement. Essentially, this largely involves rod licence compliance and fisheries offences. Clearly then, the police and Agency have distinct roles – and must work smarter together.

To encourage this, in November 2014 Operation TRAVERSE, targeting poaching and fish theft, was launched at Lincolnshire Police headquarters, followed in June 2015, by Operation LEVIATHAN, launched at West Mercia Police headquarters. Most forces in the country now subscribe to one or other, ensuring that the Agency receives better support and anglers an improved service.

We must all understand that the system is ‘intelligence-led’, meaning that every incoming call and piece of information is vital. Indeed, the statistics arising are what quantify problems and arguments for more resources.

It is crucial that crimes in progress are reported to the police (police advise using 999 if appropriate), and fisheries offences to the Agency on 0800 80 70 60.  

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