
Licensed Coach Scheme

If you’re planning to take a Level 2 Angling Event Lead Coach qualification with Angling Trust, you’re already on the pathway to licensing (although you can opt out if you wish).  After you have a place confirmed on one of our courses we’ll assist you with preparations for becoming a Licensed Coach, and you won’t incur the usual annual licence fee until your first licence expires at the end of 12 months.

If you took a 1st4sport Level 1 or Level 2 qualification through a different organisation such as Angling Cymru or Sparsholt College you can apply to become licensed through Angling Trust, but the process is a little different and the £45 annual fee applies from the first issue.  Don’t worry if you qualified some time ago: you will probably need to update items such as DBS checking, First Aid or Safeguarding training, but your 1st4sport qualification (like A-Levels, NVQs etc) doesn’t expire.

We may still be able to retrieve details of qualifications in coaching angling undertaken through the Angling Development Board/Angling Trust since 2008, but can’t access such records for other organisations that offered those qualification..

Note for coaches resident in Wales or Scotland

Both Wales and Scotland have their own Governing Bodies and Coach Licensing arrangements, with different requirements from those of the Angling Trust Licensed Coach Scheme.  We recommend that you check before you start the application process whether an Angling Trust qualification and/or coach licence will be acceptable for the activities that you plan to undertake in your own locality  — if you find that it’s what you need, we’ll be very happy to make the appropriate arrangements for you.

For information about coaching qualifications and licensing in Scotland, in the first instance please see the website for ADBoS (Angling Development Board of Scotland) as there is a separate Governing Body for each angling discipline.

For Wales, please visit


Administration for Angling Trust’s Coaching Centre and Licensed Coach Scheme is based at the East Midlands office in Ilkeston.

Licensed Coach Scheme Administration:  [email protected] or 07932 934 960

Coaching course bookings: see the carousel of panels part-way down our main coaching webpage for current details.

Coaching Centre Manager: [email protected] or [email protected]


Requirements for a first Level 1 licence

·        A 1st4sport Level 1 Award or Certificate in Coaching Angling

·        An Enhanced DBS check which meets the criteria for coach licensing (please note that not all Enhanced DBS checks will be appropriate: please email [email protected] for further details).


Requirements for a first Level 2 licence

·        A 1st4sport Level Certificate in Coaching Angling, or the current L2 Angling Event Lead Coach qualification

·        An Enhanced DBS check which meets the criteria for coach licensing (not all Enhanced DBS checks will be appropriate: please email [email protected] for further details).

·        A certificate for suitable First Aid training with at least 12 months left before its expiry date

If you’ve previously been issued with/already hold an Angling Trust Level 1 or Level 2 coach licence (either due or overdue for renewal) we’ll need to check what requires bringing up to date and advise how to get that licence reinstated.


Benefits of Coach Licensing

A coach licence is like a warrant to the public and those seeking the services of an angling coach that you have met the standards set by the National Governing Body for your sport.  If you coach with more than one club, angling project, school, local authority or other kind of organisation, you shouldn’t need to provide each one with evidence of your qualification, insurance, DBS check etc, since all that is arranged and regulated through the Licensed Coach Scheme.

Whether you hold a Level 1 or Level 2 licence, coach for pay or as a volunteer, work with children, only with adults or with any age group, the licence also provides the following:

  • Insurance for your coaching activities (Public Liability and Professional Indemnity cover up to £10 million)
  • Personal membership of Angling Trust with any associated benefits

We’ll supply a photographic ID card with holder and lanyard, and information that may be useful to you about professional  development and coaching resources.  You can also order personalised coach clothing such as polo shirts, T-shirts and soft-shell jackets.


Yes, this is for me — what should I do to get my licence?

► I’m applying for/already taking a coaching course with Angling Trust

We’ll be supplying you with what you need, but the licensing application part (DBS checking etc) starts after we have confirmed your place on a specific event.  However you can click here for an overview of what’s involved.


► I had a licence before, but it expired

You’ll need to contact Licensing Admin so that we can first of all check whether we still have any records for you (they may have been deleted to comply with Data Protection requirements).  Click here for details of what’s required and how to get in touch.


► I have a 1st4sport qualification, but I didn’t get licensed

If your course was delivered by Angling Trust we may be able to access some records for you, but wherever you took your qualification, please get in touch so that we can advise what you’ll need to supply.  Click here for details of the requirements and how to contact Licensing Admin.


► I know my licence is due for renewal — how do I arrange that?

Click here to go to “Renewing my licence”

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