
Match Listings

Any organisers who wish to register matches, please contact Ian Bowell at [email protected]

Please click on the month to expand dates:

Fixtures highlighted in yellow are still be be confirmed

Late notice match

Match cancelled

January 2025

***ATSL*** 1: Ashbridge Memorial NYD Open, Sewerby Steps to Paull lighthouse, 9-2pm, weigh in by 5pm Marine Hotel, biggest fish match, tickets on day from 7.30am at Lilly’s beach cafe, £10 seniors, £5 juniors, pre-booking at East Coast Tackle, Mark Colman 07768 342169 or John Aylward 07968 215565.


***ATSL*** 1: Holt SAC New Year Open, Kelling, Tony 07780793141, [email protected]


***ATSL*** 4: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 1 of 12, Abbotsbury, 7.00pm-12.00am, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.   Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 4: AC North region winter league match 2, Colwyn Bay fishing 6pm to 10pm, Meet promenade near Porth Erias restaurant from 4.30pm, Pegged, measure catch and release, £20 entry by PayPal [email protected], Contact Tony Owen 07973334974, Payment deadline Thursday 2nd 8pm, Angling Cymru rules, no white rag


***ATSL*** 5:  East Fife New Year Open, Fishing 11-4, Registration 9-10 at the Victoria car park Arbroath.  Boundaries – Carnoustie to Ferryden, weigh in – Victoria car park 16.00-17.00, contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 5: Hastings SAC League and open 11 to 4pm, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 5: East Anglian Sea League, teams of five and open, Kelling, length to weigh conversion, £25 entry, juniors must be accompanied by an adult, pre-book only with Rob Tuck 07855848967


****ATSL*** 5: Amble SAC 47th open, fishing 10-2pm, registration at Radcliffe Club Amble from 7am, entry £15 all classes, tickets available from all local tackle shops, H/fish £1000 2nd £250 3rd£150
H/bag £500 2nd £300 3rd £150, H/Flat fish £250 2nd £100 3rd £50
Ladies donated prize £75 2nd £50 3rd £25, Junior donated prize £75 2nd £50 3rd £25, plus many supporting prizes, contact number 07584251241 or Jim French 07584251241


****ATSL*** 5: Wyvern open shore, Slapton Sands, South Devon, Fishing 1pm till 6pm.  Sign on Strete Gate car park from 11am, £9 plus opt pool of £1, Not pegged but will be stewarded.  Weigh in at Stokely farm shop.  Prizes awarded for your best two fish of different species on aggregate percentage (can be won with a single fish).  All competitors will need to bring a bucket/container to place baited/non baited traces in during the fishing competition. This will prevent any traces being left on the beach, buried.  This has come about after last year’s match!  More details from Mike 07779308093


***ATSL*** 5: Leinster League 2025, Wexford, Eddie Bermingham Open 1 – 6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]


***ATSL*** 9: David Neil Bait Supplies Midweek Shore League, fishing is 7pm until 10pm, peg draw 6.15, Prestwick south, all matches are open to everyone, pre book only for further details, booking pegs, Details from David Neil 07831192717


****ATSL*** 10: Edinburgh New Year Shore League, Portobello beach, reg 6-6.15pm @ Tumbles carpark, EH15 1DR, fishing 7pm-10pm, pre-book only, Contact Ian Campbell 07907 805 822


****ATSL*** 11: Mike and Chris’s Winter Heaviest Cod League


***ATSL*** 11: Skegness Pier Angling Club Saturday Chapel Point Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 14:00 till 18:00, Chapel Point Car Park.  Booking in from 12:30.  Pegged, £10 Entry, Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 11: Redcar & Cleveland SAC Saturday 11th January Open Match time 6pm to 10pm £10 Entry £5 Super pool Juniors Free Entry Boundaries South Gare Basin to Whitby East Pier Contact Craig 07464130251


***ATSL*** 12: Holt SAC Norfolk Team Challenge Round 4, Salthouse, Tony 07780793141  [email protected] or John 07768938337


***ATSL*** 12: Wales Air Ambulance Open Amroth Pembrokeshire fishing 9-1pm £10 plus optional pools and team competition, book in from 10:00am at the Temple Barr inn. John O’Connor 01834 891510 [email protected]


***ATSL*** 12: Kent Flounder League Round 1, Isle of Grain 09.00 to 13.00. Register @ Carpark ME3 0BS From 07.00 CATCH & RELEASE – 2 Hooks ONLY. £20 Entry. Pre-Booking Essential, Limited Pegs Available.  Contact Ian – 07791 234318


***ATSL*** 12: Nomads new year open, Eastbourne, 8am – 1pm, Booking in (fisherman’s carpark) from 6:30am, Pegged 4 zones Max 48 anglers 12 to a zone, £15 to be paid by 3rd of Jan, Sort code 070116, Account 21856182, Brett Green, contact details [email protected]


***ATSL*** 16: David Neil Bait Supplies Midweek Shore League, fishing is 7pm until 10pm, peg draw 6.15, Irvine Beach, all matches are open to everyone, pre book only for further details, booking pegs Details from David Neil 07831192717


****ATSL*** 17: Edinburgh New Year Shore League Newhaven, Reg 6-6.15pm @ Western Harbour Breakwater, EH6 6PA, fishing 7pm-10pm, pre-book only, contact Ian Campbell 07907 805 822


****ATSL*** 18: Mike and Chris’s Winter Heaviest Cod League


***ATSL*** 18:  Silcroft winter open, fishing 11:30-4pm, booking on 9:30-10:30, catch & release, 15cm size limit, 60 peg limited, Pre book only Gareth 07880864661 Hutch 07547 633288


***ATSL*** 18: Channel Anglers SAC, Porlock and Bossington series 2025, Bait supplied, Entry £30 series, £36 per match, fishing: 6- 11pm, bait and peg draw 4pm. Bait 6 mackerel, 400g squid and 1 pack anchovies, contact: James Madsen 07900651071


***ATSL*** 18-19: Asso, Hythe parade. Booking in at the fountain from 7-9.30am on Saturday 18th where you will draw both days pegs. Fishing from 11:30 till 16:30 both days. Pre book and pre pay with no refunds on this match once you’re in your in.  Presentation will be on the Sunday evening in the fountain pub. To book in please send a bank transfer £70 to: Account Name: Saul Page Opens, Account Number: 51320163, Sort Code; 30-99-50.  PLEASE ENSURE YOU USE YOUR NAME AS REFERENCE. No refunds or transferring of names once entered. £1 of the entry fee toward supporting the “George Smith junior fund”


***ATSL*** 19:  FORD 49th open beach competition, fishing 10.30- 15.30, booking in from 09.00, on Shore Road, Weston Shore Southampton, 1st prize £400, 2nd prize £200, Large prize table for seniors and juniors, entry fee £11.00, juniors £4.00, optional pool £4.00.  All Profits to Rose Road Association Southampton, contact [email protected]


***ATSL*** 23: David Neil Bait Supplies Midweek Shore League, fishing is 7pm until 10pm, peg draw 6.15, Prestwick north, all matches are open to everyone, pre book only for further details, booking pegs, Details from David Neil 07831192717


***ATSL*** 25: Southern League round 1 of 12 & open, Easterney, 6-11pm, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 25: Scottish Federation of Sea Anglers Newhaven 4-8 All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 25: Skegness Pier Angling Club Saturday Trunch Lakeside – Chapel St Leonards, Lincs, 13:00 till 17:00, Trunch Lakeside Car Park, Booking in from 11:30.  Pegged, £10 Entry, Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 25: Redcar & Cleveland SAC Saturday 25th January Open Match time 5pm to 9pm £10 Entry £5 Super pool Juniors Free Entry Boundaries South Gare Basin to Whitby East Pier Contact Craig 07464130251


***ATSL*** 26: Hornsea Anyfish anywhere open 10am-4pm weigh in by 5pm. Booking in at Marine carpark Hornsea 7.30 am till 9am. Contact Mark Colman 07768342169 John 07968215565


***ATSL *** 30-1: Irish Winter Beach Championships Co Wexford, pre-book only, contact; Warren Doyle; [email protected] Check in commences 29th January in Hotel Curracloe Wexford at 20.30.


***ATSL*** 30: David Neil Bait Supplies Midweek Shore League, fishing is 7pm until 10pm, peg draw 6.15, Stevenston Beach, all matches are open to everyone, pre book only for further details, booking pegs Details from David Neil 07831192717


****ATSL*** 31: Edinburgh New Year Shore League, Newhaven, Reg 6-6.15pm @ Western Harbour View, EH6 6PG, fishing 7-10pm, pre-book only, contact Ian Campbell 07907 805 822


***ATSL*** 31: Fishon bait n tackle open round 1 Gosport Lee/stokes, signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


February 2025

***ATSL*** 1: Chesil League & opens, Abbotsbury, 5pm – 10pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 1: Hastings SAC Reg Willis open 1000-1500, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 1:  Gerry’s Sea League 1 of 15 Gynn wall fishing 10.45-2.45pm Book on at 9am £20 Pre book only, 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


*** ATSL *** 2: Hastings SAC League and open 1030-1530, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 2:  2025 East Region Shore League, Aberthaw & Boverton, Steve Chadwick 07777689289


****ATSL*** 7: Edinburgh New Year Shore League Joppa, Reg 6-6.15pm @ Promenade View, EH15 2ES, fishing 7pm-10pm, pre-book only, contact Ian Campbell 07907 805 822


***ATSL*** 8: AC North region winter league Match 3, Talacre fishing 11.30-3.30pm, meet car park from 9.30am, pegged, measure catch and release, £20 entry by PayPal [email protected] Contact Tony Owen 07973334974 payment deadline Thursday 6th 8pm.  Angling Cymru rules, no white rag


****ATSL*** 8: Mike and Chris’s Winter Heaviest Cod League Contact Chris on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 8: Southern League round 2 of 12 & open, Hayling 18.30-23.30, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, League entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 8: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 2 of 12, West Bexington, 6.30pm-11.30pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 8: Skegness Pier Angling Club Sandilands National Trust, Sandilands, Lincs, 12:30 till 16:30, Sandilands National Trust car park, Booking in from 11:00, Pegged, £10 Entry, Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 8: Redcar & Cleveland SAC Saturday 8th February Open Match time 5pm to 9pm £10 Entry £5 Super pool Juniors Free Entry Boundaries South Gare Basin to Whitby East Pier Contact Craig 07464130251


***ATSL*** 8:  Harrington SAC Winter open rescheduled date, Fishing Times 12.00 – 16.00 pm, Heaviest fish Competition (All Eels excluded), Registration in Harrington Sailing Club North Side Harrington Workington Cumbria CA14 5QW, Registration from 10.00 – 12.00, Boundaries- Whitehaven North Pier to Workington Blocks (both excluded) Weigh-in from 16.00 pm followed by the presentation, contact Matthew Peckford 07793213055


***ATSL*** 13: David Neil Bait Supplies Midweek Shore League, fishing is 7pm until 10pm, peg draw 6.15, Ardrossan South Beach, all matches are open to everyone, pre book only for further details, booking pegs Details from David Neil 07831192717


***ATSL*** 15: Angling Trust 2024 Individual Sea League Final, Silloth, fishing 11-3pm, Qualifiers only.  Booking in at the RAFFA club CA7 4JQ, 9-10am, contact Ian Bowell 07789651191 or email [email protected]


***ATSL*** 15: Alan Middleton Memorial Open, Kinglake and townhall steps, 60 peg continental style, £20 entry 11-3pm contact [email protected] or Facebook to book on


***ATSL*** 15: Channel Anglers SAC, Porlock and Bossington series 2025, Bait supplied, Entry £30 series, £36 per match, fishing: 5.30- 10.30pm, bait and peg draw 3.30pm. Bait 6 mackerel, 400g squid and 1 pack anchovies, contact: James Madsen 07900651071


***ATSL*** 15: Hornsea Mallinson trophy night match walk off 6pm-10pm. Booking in from 5pm at marine carpark. Whistle start at 6pm. Contact Mark Colman 07768342169 John 07968215565


***ATSL*** 16: North West Sea League, Fishing 11.30-3.30pm HW 2pm.  Registration Silloth Raffa club CA7 4JQ, 60 pegs 4 zones. 2 hooks, Straight measure, no size limits, Rays across the wings. No bait bans, Entry £25 100 % pay-out.  All bookings of names must be done via the NWSAL Facebook page, contact Simon Hogan / Wayne Stephenson [email protected]  07825134051


***ATSL*** 16: 16th RNLI Open Beach Competition, Amroth Beach, Amroth, Pembrokeshire 12 Noon till 4PM, Book in Temple Bar Inn 10AM to 11:30AM 1st £200 Heaviest bag flatfish, 2nd £100 Heaviest any fish, 3rd £50 next heaviest bag flatfish, £10 entry on the day + Free Junior prize table + Team of 2 pool £2 each, both to weigh in, Contact John O’Connor, 01834 891510, 07774 250260.


***ATSL*** 16: Fountain Open, Hythe, fishing 10 to 3pm. £30.00 all in includes biggest fish prize, ladies prize. Catch and release to size limits pre book and pre pay by 1st February 2025.  Book in at the Fountain Pub from 7am Limited to 112 pegs 100% Pay-out. No White rag, contact Mark Rogers 07770973062


***ATSL*** 16: Kent Flounder League Round 2 Allhallows 13.00 to 17.00 Register @ All Hallows Sea Wall Slipway ME3 9QD. From 11.15 CATCH & RELEASE – 2 Hooks ONLY. £20 Entry. Pre-Booking Essential, Limited Pegs Available.  Contact Ian – 07791 234318


****ATSL*** 21: Edinburgh New Year Shore League Seafield, Reg 6-6.15pm @ Marine Esplanade, EH6 7DP, fishing 7pm-10pm, pre-book only, contact Ian Campbell 07907 805 822


***ATSL*** 22: Skegness Pier Angling Club Huttoft Car Terrace, Huttoft, Lincs 10:30 till 14:30 Huttoft Car Terrace beach car park. Booking in from 09:00 Pegged £10 Entry, Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 22: Redcar & Cleveland SAC Saturday Open Match . Match time 4pm to 8pm £10 Entry £5 Super pool Juniors Free Entry . Boundaries South Gare Basin to Whitby East Pier Contact Craig 07464130251


***ATSL*** 22: Angling Cymru South West Region Freshwater East. Fishing 5-9pm. £21 entry, £1 goes towards junior funds. Pre book via PayPal at [email protected] continental payout. Contact Dorian Harris on 07581398158 or see acsw region Facebook page. Best 4 results of 6 matches go towards overall league prizes, free entry.


***ATSL*** 22:  Gerry’s Sea League 2 of 15 Fleetwood channel. Fishing 4 – 8pm Book on 2.30pm £20 Pre book only (30) pegs. 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 23: Country Stores Catch and Release Pegged Competition 11.30-4.30pm Penclawdd & Loughor Banks £20 entry £1 pool. 100 percent Pay-out, contact Brian 07970 404522 01792 875050


***ATSL*** 23: Hornsea Mark Loudon open. 23rd February. 10am-4pm weigh in by 5pm. Booking in at Marine carpark Hornsea 7.30 am till 9am. Contact Mark Colman 07768342169 John 07968215565


***ATSL*** 28: Fishon bait n tackle open round 2. Eastney (soldier), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell.


March 2025

***ATSL*** 1: Chesil League & opens, Bexington, 4pm – 9pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 1: Skegness Pier Angling Club North Shore Road, Skegness, Lincs, 17:00 till 21:00, North Shore Road beach car park

Booking in from 15:30, Pegged, £10 Entry, Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 1:  Gerry’s Sea League 3 of 15 Saturday Gynn wall fishing 10 – 2pm Book on 8.30am £20 Pre book only 15cm min size

Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 2: Hastings SAC league and open 0930-1430, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 7-9: European Open Beach Championships (EOBC), for more details visit


***ATSL*** 9: Country Stores Catch and Release Pegged Competition 12.30-5.30pm Penclawdd & Loughor Banks £20 entry £1 pool. 100 percent Pay-out, contact Brian 07970 404522 01792 875050


****ATSL*** 14: Edinburgh New Year Shore League Newhaven, reg 6-6.15pm @ Western Harbour Breakwater, EH6 6PA, fishing 7pm-10pm, pre-book only, contact Ian Campbell 07907 805 822


***ATSL*** 15: AC North region winter league Match 4, Pwllheli, fishing 6-10pm, Meet 4pm Cafe Largo car park, Pegged, measure catch and release, £20 entry by, PayPal  [email protected], Contact Tony Owen 07973334974, Payment deadline Thursday 13th 8pm, Angling Cymru rules, no white rag


***ATSL*** 15: Southern League round 3 of 12 & open, Friars Cliff, 19.00-23.00, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 15: Channel Anglers SAC, Porlock and Bossington series 2025, Bait supplied, Entry £30 series, £36 per match, fishing 4.30- 9.30pm, bait and peg draw 2.30pm. Bait 6 mackerel, 400g squid and 1 pack anchovies, contact: James Madsen 07900651071


***ATSL*** 15: Skegness Pier Angling Club Trunch Lakeside, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs, 17:00 till 21:00, Trunch Lakeside Car Park

Booking in from 15:30, Pegged, £10 Entry, Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 15-16: SAMF UK Ian Golds Masters Bacton/Kelling Tony 07780793141 [email protected] Mike 07858758669  [email protected]


***ATSL*** 16: Hastings SAC league and open 090-14300, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 16: East Region Shore League Marcross & Monknash Steve Chadwick 07777689289


***ATSL*** 16: Bognor Regis Amateur Angling Society Pagham open beach competition, fishing 9.30-14.30pm, catch and release, booking Pagham Yacht Club 08.30am 1 West Front Road Pagham PO21 4SY, entry £8.00 senior junior £4.00 optional fish pools flat £1.00 round £1.00, pools highest single fish points, BRAAS reserve the right to refuse entry, contact John Small 07799762377 after 5pm


***ATSL*** 22: Trunch lane open 17.00-22.00 (high water 23.00)
Meet Trunch Lane car park 15.00-16.00.  Pre book only (50 pegs only) Mark 07500112515


***ATSL*** 23: Leinster League 2025, Wexford,1 – 6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]


***ATSL*** 23:  Gerry’s Sea League 4 of 15 Westend beach fishing 10.15 – 3.15pm Book on at Gerry’s 8.30am £20 Pre book only 40 pegs 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 24: Holt SAC Norfolk Team Challenge Round 6, Bacton, Tony 07780793141 [email protected] John 07768938337


****ASTL*** 28: Edinburgh New Year Shore League Newhaven, reg 6-6.15pm @ Western Harbour View, EH6 6PG, fishing 7-10pm, pre-book only, contact Ian Campbell 07907 805 822


***ATSL*** 28:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 3

Hayling (millers), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 29: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 3 of 12, West Bexington, 4.00pm-9.00pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]



***ATSL*** 29: Skegness Pier Angling Club Chapel Point, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs, 16:00 till 20:00, Chapel Point car park, Booking in from 14:30, Pegged, £10 Entry, Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 30: Kent Flounder League Round 3 Greenhithe, 12.15 to 16.15.  Register @ Carpark DA9 9AY.  From 10.45 CATCH & RELEASE – 2 Hooks ONLY, £20 Entry.  Pre-Booking Essential, Limited Pegs Available.  Contact Ian – 07791 234318


April 2025

***ATSL*** 5: Anglesey Match Anglers 2025 summer league; Match 1, pegged on the inside of the breakwater, fishing 7pm-11pm.

6 matches where your best 5 out of 6 scores will count.  Each match will be fished as an open as well with cash pay-outs on the day. Each open will be £22 entry, £2 going to junior fund George Smith is running, entry to the league will be £30 per angler which has to be paid before the first match.  All matches will be straight measure with a 15cm minimum size limit.  All dogs 50cm, rays measured nose to tail, mackerel, herring, launce, shads or sea trout do not count.  No white rag, No braid except for the match over the back of the breakwater.  All matches will qualify for sea league points.  Contact Dave Cave 07483149584


***ATSL*** 6:  Holt SAC West Norfolk Challenge Round 1 Kings Lynn, Mike 07858758669 [email protected]  Tony 07780793141 [email protected]


***ATSL*** 6: Scottish federation of sea anglers Lunan Bay 12-5 All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 11-12: Channel Anglers SAC Minehead Festival 2025, £100 entry.  Pre-book and pre-pay only, 1 rod 3 hooks.  All pegged and zoned, bait 6 mackerel and 400g squid, contact: James Madsen 07900651071.  Fri 11th April fishing 5pm – 9pm, Sat 12th April fishing 5.30pm – 9.30pm


***ATSL*** 12: Skegness Pier Angling Club Huttoft Car Terrace, Huttoft, Lincs 17:00 till 21:00 Huttoft Car Terrace car park

Booking in from 15:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 13: Hastings SAC Prostate Cancer UK open 0900-1400, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 13: Kent Flounder League Round 4, Allhallows, 12.00 to 16.00, Register @ All Hallows Sea Wall Slipway ME3 9QD From 10.15, CATCH & RELEASE – 2 Hooks ONLY, £20 Entry, Pre-Booking Essential, Limited Pegs available.  Contact Ian – 07791 234318


***ATSL*** 13: Scottish federation of sea anglers Riverside Drive 11.30-4.30.  All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 13: Angling Cymru South West Region Swansea Beach, parking at County Hall carpark. Fishing 4-8pm. £21 entry, £1 goes towards junior fund. Pre book via at PayPal  [email protected] continental Pay-out. Contact Dorian Harris on 07581398158 or see acsw region Facebook page. Best 4 results of 6 matches go towards overall league prizes, free entry.


***ATSL*** 13:  Gerry’s Sea League 5 of 15 Five Barr Gate fishing 10am – 2.30pm Book on 8.45am £20 Pre book only 15cm min size

Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 19: Southern League round 4 of 12 & open, Easterney18.00-00.00, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 19: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 4 of 12, Abbotsbury, 7pm-12.00am, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]

***ATSL*** 19:  Senhouse Street SAC open Easter Open Saturday, Entry Fee £20, Heaviest Flat fish £500 Heaviest Round fish £300 1st Heaviest Bag £500 2nd Heaviest Bag £300 3rd Heaviest Bag £200 Other cash prizes calculated on entry on remainder of bag weights. Junior entry £5 Heaviest fish and Heaviest bag. Fishing times 09:00-13:00 Weigh in 14:00-15:00 Registrations at Senhouse Street WMC 07:30-08:30 CA14 2 SJ, contact John Fisher 07702075718

***ATSL*** 25:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 4

Eastney (soldier), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 26: COLWYN BAY VICTORIA SPRING OPEN, Pensarn Beach, fishing 7-11pm.  Booking in last carpark to the left of Beach Cafe. Anyone interested in entering can do via the Colwyn Bay Victoria Sea Angling club Facebook page or through e mail to [email protected]


***ATSL*** 26: Chesil League & opens, Abbotsbury, 5pm – 10pm

best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 26: West Coast and Watchet Spring open 4.30 – 8.30 Minehead town beach to blue anchor slipway.  Book in and weigh in RBL Watchet TA23 0AR.  Contact Steve at West Coast Angling 01984 634807


***ATSL*** 26: Skegness Pier Angling Club North Shore Road, Skegness, Lincs 16:00 till 20:00 North Shore Road beach car park

Booking in from 14:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 26: Bonkers bank open 15.30-19.30 (high water 17.30)
Meet at Anthony’s bank 13.30-14.30.  Pre book only (40 pegs only), Mark 07500112515


***ATSL*** 27: Hastings SAC open 0800-1300, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 27: Llantwit Charity Open Llantwit Major Mark Cowell 07721791210


***ATSL*** 27: Hornsea RNLI open. 11am-5pm weigh in by 6pm. Booking in at Marine carpark Hornsea 8.30 am till 10am. Contact Mark 07768342169 or John 07968215565


***ATSL*** 27:  Gerry’s Sea League 6 of 15 Lytham fishing 9.15 -1pm Book on at 8am £20 Pre book only limited pegs, 15cm min size

Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


May 2025

***ATSL*** 3: Anglesey Match Anglers 2025 summer league; Match 2 Pwllheli beach, fishing 3pm-8pm.  6 matches where your best 5 out of 6 scores will count.  Each match will be fished as an open as well with cash pay-outs on the day. Each open will be £22 entry, £2 going to junior fund George Smith is running, entry to the league will be £30 per angler which has to be paid before the first match.  All matches will be straight measure with a 15cm minimum size limit.  All dogs 50cm, rays measured nose to tail, mackerel, herring, launce, shads or sea trout do not count.  No white rag, No braid except for the match over the back of the breakwater.  All matches will qualify for sea league points.  Contact Dave Cave 07483149584


***ATSL*** 4:  Holt SAC West Norfolk Challenge Round 2 Kings Lynn Mike 07858758669 [email protected]  / Tony 07780793141 /  [email protected]


***ATSL*** 4: Gwent & District SAC Open Cardiff Foreshore Ivor Smith 07854829590


***ATSL*** 9:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 5. Hayling, signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 10: Skegness Pier Angling Club Trunch Lakeside, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 16:00 till 20:00 Trunch Lakeside car park. Booking in from 14:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 10-11: Holt SAC North Norfolk Bass Festival Bacton and Kelling Mike 07858758669 [email protected] Tony 07780793141  [email protected]


***ATSL*** 11:  Gerry’s Sea League 7 of 15 marine beach fishing 9 – 1pm Book on 8am £20 Pre book only 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 17: Chesil League & opens, Bexington, 6pm – 11pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 18:  East Region Shore League Ogmore & Porthcawl Steve Chadwick 07777689289


***ATSL*** 24: Southern League round 5 of 12 & open, Lee/Stokes, 19.00-00.00, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 24: Skegness Pier Angling Club Sandilands National Trust, Sandilands, Lincs 14:30 till 18:30 Sandilands National Trust car park Booking in from 13:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 25: Angling Cymru South West Region Pendine, drive on. Fishing 10-2pm. £21 entry, £1 goes towards junior fund. Pre book via PayPal at [email protected] continental Payout. Contact Dorian Harris on 07581398158 or see acsw region Facebook page. Best 4 results of 6 matches go towards overall league prizes, free entry.

***ATSL*** 25: Lincolnshire Spring open, Sandilands, 12.00-17.00 (high water 17.15).  Meet 10.00-11.00 Sandilands golf course.  Pre book only, Mark 07500112515


***ATSL*** 31: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 5 of 12, Abbotsbury, 6.00pm-11.00pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]

June 2025

***ATSL*** 1:  Gerry’s Sea League 8 of 15 Stanah fishing 2- n6pm. Book on at car park 12.30pm £20 Pre book only 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 6:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 6, Eastney (soldier), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 7: Skegness Pier Angling Club Chapel Six Marsh, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 14:30 till 18:30 Chapel Six Marsh car park. Booking in from 13:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 8: Scottish federation of sea anglers Riverside Drive 10-3 All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 8: Holt SAC West Norfolk Challenge Round 3 Kings Lynn, Mike 07858758669 [email protected] Tony 07780793141  [email protected]


***ATSL*** 14: Anglesey Match Anglers 2025 summer league; Match 3, Pwllfanog, fishing 8:30-13:30pm.  6 matches where your best 5 out of 6 scores will count.  Each match will be fished as an open as well with cash pay-outs on the day. Each open will be £22 entry, £2 going to junior fund George Smith is running, entry to the league will be £30 per angler which has to be paid before the first match.  All matches will be straight measure with a 15cm minimum size limit.  All dogs 50cm, rays measured nose to tail, mackerel, herring, launce, shads or sea trout do not count.  No white rag, No braid except for the match over the back of the breakwater.  All matches will qualify for sea league points.  Contact Dave Cave 07483149584


***ATSL*** 14:  Leinster League 2025, Wexford, Tommy Keogh Open 1 – 6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]

***ATSL*** 14: Chesil League & opens, Abbotsbury, 6pm – 11pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 15: Foords Open.  Fishing 11-4 weigh in for 5pm at The Foords Hotel 76 Queen Street Filey YO14 9HE.  Heaviest single Fish match £300 first prize £15 entry Class 1, juveniles £2.  For tickets and info please contact Scott Blowman 07934049126


***ATSL*** 15: Angling Cymru South West Region Cefn Sidan. Fishing 5-9pm. £21 entry, £1 goes towards junior fund. Pre book via PayPal at [email protected] continental Payout. Contact Dorian Harris on 07581398158 or see acsw region Facebook page. Best 4 results of 6 matches go towards overall league prizes, free entry.


***ATSL***21: Southern League round 6 of 12 & open, Stokes/Lee 6-11pm, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 22: Angling Cymru Sea Anglers East Region Cold Knap & Porthkerry. Contact – Steve Chadwick 07777689289


***ATSL*** 22: Skegness Pier Angling Club Trunch Lakeside, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 14:00 till 18:00 Trunch Lakeside car park. Booking in from 12:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 28: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 6 of 12, West Bexington, 6.00pm-11.00pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 29: Newport & District SAC Open St Brides Tony Hart 07530983667


July 2025

***ATSL*** 6: Skegness Pier Angling Club Marsh Yard, Anderby, Lincs 13:30 till 17:30 Marsh Yard beach car park Booking in from 12:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 12: Chesil League & opens, Bexington, 6pm – 11pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 12: Anglesey Match Anglers 2025 summer league; Match 4, pegged on the back of the breakwater, fishing 1pm-6pm.  6 matches where your best 5 out of 6 scores will count.  Each match will be fished as an open as well with cash pay-outs on the day. Each open will be £22 entry, £2 going to junior fund George Smith is running, entry to the league will be £30 per angler which has to be paid before the first match.  All matches will be straight measure with a 15cm minimum size limit.  All dogs 50cm, rays measured nose to tail, mackerel, herring, launce, shads or sea trout do not count.  No white rag, No braid except for the match over the back of the breakwater.  All matches will qualify for sea league points. Contact Dave Cave 07483149584


***ATSL*** 12: Smoothound open, Chapel St Leonard’s 15.30-20.30 (high water 20.30), Pre pay and pre draw, Mark 07500112515


***ATSL*** 19:  Gerry’s Sea League 9 of 15 Knott end fishing 4- 8pm Book on 2.30pm £20 Pre book only limited pegs 15cm min size. Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 20: Penarth Holiday Open Penarth Bob Galley 02920706995


***ATSL*** 20: Skegness Pier Angling Club Chapel Point, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 12:30 till 16:30 Chapel Point car park Booking in from 11:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 25:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 7 Gosport stokes Gilkicker lee, signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ASTL*** 26: Southern League round 7 of 12 & open, Hayling 8-01.00am, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 26: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 7 of 12, Abbotsbury, 6.00pm-11.00pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 27: East Region Shore League Llantwit Major Steve Chadwick 07777689289


***ATSL*** 27: CROHNS AND COLITS UK CHARITY OPEN, Kinmel Bay Beach, fishing 11.303.30pm.  Booking in at rigs and rods carpark Rhyl harbour. Anyone interested in entering can do via the Colwyn Bay Victoria Sea Angling club Facebook page or through e mail to [email protected]


***ATSL*** 27:  Gerry’s Sea League 10 of 15 Gynn wall fishing 11.15 – 3.15pm Book on at 10am £20 Pre book only 15cm min size. Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


August 2025

***ATSL*** 2: Anglesey Match Anglers 2025 summer league; Match 5, Llandudno North shore, fishing 6pm-11pm.  6 matches where your best 5 out of 6 scores will count.  Each match will be fished as an open as well with cash pay-outs on the day. Each open will be £22 entry, £2 going to junior fund George Smith is running, entry to the league will be £30 per angler which has to be paid before the first match.  All matches will be straight measure with a 15cm minimum size limit.  All dogs 50cm, rays measured nose to tail, mackerel, herring, launce, shads or sea trout do not count.  No white rag, No braid except for the match over the back of the breakwater.  All matches will qualify for sea league points.  Contact Dave Cave 07483149584


***ATSL*** 3: Holt SAC West Norfolk Challenge Round 4 Sutton Bridge Mike 07858758669 [email protected] Tony 07780793141  [email protected]


***ATSL*** 3: Skegness Pier Angling Club Trunch Lakeside, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 10:30 till 14:30 Trunch Lakeside car park Booking in from 09:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons 07385 150259 [email protected]


***ATSL*** 8:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 8, Hillhead cliffs (cliff road), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 9:  Chesil League & opens, Cogden, 6pm – 11pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 10: Scottish federation of sea anglers Greenock 10-3 All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 10: Welsh Smoothound Festival Llantwit Major Mark Cowell 07721791210


***ATSL*** 10:  Gerry’s Sea League 11 of 15 Rossall fishing 10am – 2.30pm Booking on 9am £20 Pre book only 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 17: Scottish federation of sea anglers Loch Fyne 10-3, (closed event individual members only), All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 17: Skegness Pier Angling Club Anderby Creek, Anderby, Lincs 11:00 till 15:00 Anderby Creek beach car park Booking in from 09:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 17: Angling Cymru South West Region Ginst Point, Pendine. Fishing 10-2pm. £21 entry, £1 goes toward junior funds. Pre book via PayPal at [email protected] continental Pay-out. Contact Dorian Harris on 07581398158 or see acsw region Facebook page. Best 4 results of 6 matches go towards overall league prizes, free entry.


***ASTL*** 23: Southern League round 8 of 12 & open, Hillhead 19.00-Midnight, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 23: Hastings SAC Dave Moore Cup 2000-2400, contact Colin Crosby 07971252652


***ATSL*** 30: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 8 of 12, West Bexington, 7.00pm-12.00am, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 30: Skegness Pier Angling Club Wolla Bank, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 09:30 till 13:30 Wolla Bank beach car park Booking in from 08:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


September 2025

***ATSL*** 5:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 9, Hayling (millers), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 6: Filey Fishing Festival 2025.  Greatest weight of Fish, weigh in at Filey Sports Bar & Lounge 2pm – 6pm weigh in for 7pm £10 entry £2 super pool class1 £2 juvenile class.  For tickets and info please contact Scott Blowman 07934049126


***ATSL*** 6: Skegness Pier Angling Club North Shore Road, Skegness, Lincs 16:30 till 20:30 North Shore Road beach car park. Booking in from 15:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons 07385 150259 [email protected]


***Penn*** 7: Weston Outcasts SAC Minehead 3 match series, fishing 5.15pm -9.15pm, £30 League entry, £20 per match, 1 rod 3 hooks, pegged and zoned 100% pay-out (minus support for England teams).  Pre-book and prepay only, up to 120 pegs available, contact: James Madsen 07900651071


***ASTL*** 7: Holt SAC Charity Open Kelling, Mike 07858758669  [email protected] or Tony 07780793141 [email protected]


***ATSL*** 7: Heaviest Single Cod Match, 10am – 4 pm weigh in for 5pm at The Station Hotel Filey, £12 entry £3 super pool for Class1. £2 juvenile class.  For tickets and info please contact  Scott Blowman 07934049126


***ATSL*** 13: Heaviest Single Fish Match. 2pm to 6pm weigh in for 7pm at Filey Playing Fields Association £10 entry £2 superpool for class1 £2 juvenile class.  For tickets and info please contact  Scott Blowman 07934049126


***ATSL*** 13: Leinster League 2025, Wexford, Mick Kearney Open 1 – 6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]


***ATSL*** 13: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 9 of 12, Abbotsbury, 7.00pm-12.00am, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 13: Munster Shore League Leg 3 – Inch Kerry, 1:30-6:30pm Contact Stephen [email protected]


***ASTL*** 14:  Welsh Bass Festival, Loughor Estuary. Any info Call Brian Davies 01792 875050


***ATSL*** 14: North of England Codling Championship. Greatest weight of Cod, 10am to 4pm weigh in for 5pm at Filey Playing Fields Association £12 entry £3 superpool for Class1, £2 juvenile class for tickets and info please contact Scott Blowman 07934049126


***ASTL*** 20: Southern League round 10 of 12 & open, Hayling, 09.00-14.00, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 20: Anglesey Match Anglers 2025 summer league; Match 6, pegged on the inside of the breakwater, fishing 10am -3pm. 6 matches where your best 5 out of 6 scores will count.  Each match will be fished as an open as well with cash pay-outs on the day. Each open will be £22 entry, £2 going to junior fund George Smith is running, entry to the league will be £30 per angler which has to be paid before the first match.  All matches will be straight measure with a 15cm minimum size limit.  All dogs 50cm, rays measured nose to tail, mackerel, herring, launce, shads or sea trout do not count.  No white rag, No braid except for the match over the back of the breakwater.  All matches will qualify for sea league points.  Contact Dave Cave 07483149584


***ATSL*** 20: Skegness Pier Angling Club Sandilands National Trust, Sandilands, Lincs 16:30 till 20:30 Sandilands National Trust car park Booking in from 15:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons 07385 150259 [email protected]


***ATSL***21: East Region Shore League Sully & Bendericks Ivor Smith 07854829590


***ATSL*** 21:  Gerry’s Sea League 12 of 15 Gynn wall fishing 10 – 2pm Book on at 8.45am £20 Pre book only 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 27: Chesil League & opens, Abbotsbury, 6pm – 11pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 28: Penarth SAC Open Penarth Bob Galley 02920706995


***ATSL*** 28: Scottish federation of sea anglers Erskine 11-4 All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


October 2025

***ASTL*** 4: Southern League round 10 of 12 & open, Easterney, 19.00-Midnight, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 4: COLWYN BAY VICTORIA CHARITY OPEN, North Shore Llandudno, fishing 6.30-10.30pm.  Booking in at the paddling pool area Anyone interested in entering can do via the Colwyn Bay Victoria Sea Angling club Facebook page or through e mail to [email protected]


***ATSL*** 4: Skegness Pier Angling Club Chapel Point, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 15:30 till 19:30 Chapel Point car park Booking in from 14:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons 07385 150259 [email protected]


***ASTL***4-5: Northern Ireland Federation of Sea Anglers, Benone Strand and Waterfoot beach, Co Antrim, contact Harry McKee


***ASTL***5: West Wales Flounder Festival, Pendine Sands, 9am-2pm, all prizes for longest catch of flounders, minimum size 30cm, £1,200 1st prize, one rod, three hooks, draw 7am-9am at Springwell Inn, booking available on West Wales Flounder Festival Facebook page, £15 entry, £2 optional pairs, juniors (U16) free, raffle, Tom Obrien, 07508 397886 [email protected]


***ASTL*** 5: Weston Outcasts SAC Minehead 3 match series, fishing 4-8pm£30 League entry, £20 per match, 1 rod 3 hooks, pegged and zoned 100% pay-out (minus support for England teams).  Pre-book and prepay only, up to 120 pegs available, contact: James Madsen 07900651071


***ATSL*** 5: Leinster League 2025, Wexford,1 – 6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]

***ATSL*** 11: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 10 of 12, Preston, 6.00pm-11.00pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 11:  Gerry’s Sea League 13of15 Greenodd fishing 12.30 – 4.30pm Book on at car park 11am £20 Pre book only. 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 12: South Wales Sea Anglers Open Cardiff Foreshore Rob Cole 07792456428


***ATSL*** 17:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 10, Eastney (soldier), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 17-18:  Anyfish Anywhere open, Llandudno Julian Shambrook 01803213555


***ATSL*** 18: Skegness Pier Angling Club Huttoft Car Terrace, Huttoft, Lincs 15:30 till 19:30 Huttoft Car Terrace beach car park. Booking in from 14:00 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 19: Cloughton Open 2025, fishing 0900 to 1500, Weigh In by 1600 at Red Lion Hotel, Cloughton, Tickets at local shops or contact as below.  Main Prizes for Heaviest Cod & Super pool for Heaviest Bag of Codling £15 Entry including Super pool, Juniors under 16 free.  Contact Martyn 07882 448908


***ATSL*** 26: Ipswich Sea Anglers Open, Dunwich 10-3pm contact Matt Lf 07810564399 or Gareth Cossey 07592845978


***ATSL*** 26: Barry Angling Festival/Sea Masters Final Cold Knap & Porthkerry Steve Chadwick 07777689289

November 2025

***ATSL*** 1: Colwyn Bay Victoria Open, North Shore Llandudno, fishing 5-9pm.  Booking in at the paddling pool area Anyone interested in entering can do via the Colwyn Bay Victoria Sea Angling club Facebook page or through e mail to [email protected]


***ATSL*** 1: Scottish federation of sea anglers 1st November Ayr beach, times TBC. All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 2: Skegness Pier Angling Club Mablethorpe North End to Gibraltar Point, Skegness 12:00 till 18:00 Trunch Lakeside car park – Match HQ & booking in at Big Catch Tackle Shop Booking in from 10:30 Biggest Fish Rover – Single biggest fish to be brought to Match HQ for weighing £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 7:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 11, Gosport lee/stokes, signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ASTL*** 8: Weston Outcasts SAC Minehead 3 match series, fishing 6.15-10.15pm £30 League entry, £20 per match, 1 rod 3 hooks, pegged and zoned 100% pay-out (minus support for England teams).  Pre-book and prepay only, up to 120 pegs available, contact: James Madsen 07900651071


***ATSL*** 8: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 11 of 12, West Bexington, 6.00pm-11.00pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 8: Chesil League & opens, Bexington, 4.30pm – 9.30pm best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 8: Angling Cymru South West Region, North Channel, Burry Port. Fishing 12-4pm. £21 entry, £1 goes towards junior funds. Pre book via PayPal at [email protected] continental Payout. Contact Dorian Harris on 07581398158 or see acsw region Facebook page. Best 4 results of 6 matches go towards overall league prizes, free entry.


***ATSL*** 8-9: Scottish federation of sea anglers Reid mem 10-2 All are pegged, catch measure and release pre book only. For more information contact Chris Horn on 07872944807


***ATSL*** 9: John Smiths Open 10am – 3pm weigh in for 4pm at The Station Hotel Filey, £400 first prize, Class 1 £15 Juveniles £2.  For tickets and info please contact Scott Blowman 07934049126


***ATSL*** 9: Angling & Hiking Open, Middle Lane Ulverston.  Booking on Kingfisher Car Park Cooper Lane LA12 9RA.  Booking on 10.00AM to 10.30AM, Seniors £20.00 Juniors £10.00 (up to the age of 16) 100% Pay-out, Longest Running Total Match, Pegged, CMR. 80 Pegs Limit, All positions calculated on Countback, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place + 3 Zones + Longest Single Fish, Ladies and Junior prize, Family and concession pegs available, Pre Book – Not Refundable, Payment to Sheralyne Stamp, 77-26-04 – 62755368, contact [email protected] or 01229476413


***ATSL*** 14: Skegness Pier Angling Club North Shore Road, Skegness, Lincs 12:00 till 16:00 Booking in from 10:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ASTL*** 15: Southern League round 10 of 12 & open, Stokes, 18.30-00.30, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 15: Skegness Pier Angling Club Trunch Lakeside, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 13:00 till 17:00 Trunch Lakeside car park. Booking in from 11:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 15:  Gerry’s Sea League 14 of 15 Gynn wall 6pm till 10pm book on 4.45pm £20 Pre book only 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 15-16: Angling Trust Teams of Five Final, Skegness, fishing 10-3pm Saturday and Sunday, booking in Friday 14th 8-30pm HQ North Shore Holiday Park, contact Rob Tuck 07855848967


***ATSL*** 16: Tata Steel Aberavon Open Aberavon Alun Price 07824382218


***ATSL*** 16: Leinster League 2025, Wexford,1 – 6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]


***ATSL*** 16: West Coast and Watchet Autumn open 2 – 6 Minehead town beach to blue anchor slipway.  Book in and weigh in RBL Watchet TA23 0AR.  Contact Steve at West Coast Angling 01984 634807


***ATSL*** 22: Munster Shore League Leg 4 – Youghal beach (Cork), 2:30-7:30pm Contact Stephen [email protected]


***ATSL*** 23: East Region Shore League Cold Knap & Porthkerry Ivor Smith 07854829590


***ATSL*** 28: Skegness Pier Angling Club Trunch Lakeside, Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 10:00 till 14:00 Booking in from 08:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons 07385 150259 [email protected]


***ATSL*** 29:  Gerry’s Sea League 15 of 15 final league match and pay-out Westend beach fishing 9.45 – 2.45pm Book on at Gerry’s 8am £20 Pre book only limited pegs 15cm min size Hutch 07547633288 or Tony 07702229015


***ATSL*** 30: Skegness Pier Angling Club North Shore Road, Skegness, Lincs 12:00 till 16:00 North Shore Road beach car park. Booking in from 10:30 Pegged £10 Entry Russ Parsons – 07385 150259 – [email protected]


***ATSL*** 30: Leinster League 2025, Wexford,1 – 6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]


***ATSL*** 30: Cardiff SAC Open Cardiff Foreshore Justin Bird 07977795536


***ASTL*** 30: Welsh Flounder Festival, Loughor Estuary. Any info Call Brian Davies 01792 875050


December 2025

***ATSL*** 5:  Fishon bait n tackle open round 12, Eastney (soldier), signing 6-7 fishing 8-12, £10 members £15 non-members under 18s free, no bait restrictions, catch and release 18cm and over, pre booking bye 3pm same day more information call 07807639872 Ashley Dowdeswell


***ATSL*** 6:  Chesil League & opens, Abbotsbury, 4pm – 9pm. Best 8 from 10 matches, sponsored by Anyfish Anywhere, Weymouth Angling Centre, Arno Hooks, Angling Centre West Bay.  Catch & release fishing to SAMF chart, further details Dave Lane 07977132951


***ATSL*** 7: Jamie Richardson Memorial Match, £1000 first prize for the heaviest single Cod, fishing 9am – 3 pm weigh in for 4pm . Class1 £20 juvenile class.  For tickets and info please contact Scott Blowman 07934049126


***ATSL*** 13: West Bay SAC Jurassic League round 12 of 12, Abbotsbury, 4.00pm-9.00pm, measure and release to SAMF chart for all species. Fish may be kept for the table or for bait but must be marked by snipping the tail after it has been recorded. No crab, including cart, whites or maddies.  Pre-book only, Dean Francis 07583233251 Richard Daw: [email protected]


***Penn*** 13: Southern League round 12 of 12 & open, Easterney, 16.00-21.00, pegged, measure & return, £15 match entry, £5 pools, £10 pair, league entry £25, booking ends one hour before start, book only, Darren 07919 073232, Mike 07983 579596, Ian 07736 004714 or Ant 07775 691916. Nick: [email protected]


***ATSL*** 14:  Loughor Boating Club Fishing Club Flounder Festival, Loughor Estuary. Contact Tom Dew LSAC 07732390041 / Sian Dew LSAC 07429143857


***ATSL*** 20: West Coast and Watchet Christmas open 4.30 – 8.30 Minehead town beach to blue anchor slipway.  Book in and weigh in RBL Watchet TA23 0AR.  Contact Steve at West Coast Angling 01984 634807


***ATSL*** 27: Colwyn Bay Victoria annual Christmas fur and feather open, Pensarn Beach, fishing 2.30-6.30pm. Booking in at the last carpark to the left of Beach Cafe Anyone interested in entering can do via the Colwyn Bay Victoria Sea Angling club Facebook page or through e mail to [email protected]


***ATSL*** 28: Leinster League 2025, Wexford, Charity Open 1-6pm contact Alby Allan for details [email protected]


***ATSL*** 28:  Flounder Measure Match, Loughor Estuary. Any info Call Brian Davies 01792 875050


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