
Conservation Methods of Judging Sea Angling Competitions

Methods to Consider

All conservation methods of judging angling competitions involve either returning the fish to the sea after weighing or measuring, or only retaining the larger fish for weighing. They, with the exception of the specimen system (which is generally unpopular with the match angler), rely on stewarding and is therefore not suitable for either rover shore matches or small boat fishing because of the lack of proof of capture. Probably the simplest method of conserving fish is to raise the minimum size of particular species, which are likely to be caught in large numbers. Also there are formulae available for calculating the weight of Shark, Tope, and Common Skate, using measurements of length and girth, and these are recognised by the Angling Trust as being acceptable, but this method only applies to the three species mentioned.

Measure and Return: For Shore or Boat, provided that the Competition is stewarded. This system can be stewarded by the angler on the next peg, or in the case of a charter boat by the skipper. The fish are placed in buckets of sea water until measured by the steward and provided the fish are above minimum size, 1 point is awarded per cm plus a fixed no. of points per fish.

The results would be the total or highest no. of points

Weigh and Return: For shore only, as weighing at sea has been proven to be inaccurate. The proviso is that the Competition is stewarded. The fish are placed in buckets of sea water until weighed by a steward, and the steward travels the beach to weigh the fish.

The results would be in a measurement of weight

Points Per Fish and Return: For Shore or Boat, provided that the competition is stewarded. This can be stewarded by the angler on the next peg, or in the case of a charter boat by the skipper. Points may be awarded per fish, all fish one point, ten points or whatever the organiser decides or may be graded per species, as best suits the area being fished. Also, in conjunction with this, extra points can be awarded for a Specimen Fish if scales are available.

The results would be the total or highest no. of points

Specimen System: The fish are brought to the scales and are awarded a % of the Specimen Sizes for the area of capture. The organisers may restrict the no. of fish brought to the scales, and thus only the largest fish of the species are considered for prizes. The organisers may also vary this to count the best of a number of species, or the best of different species, or whatever.

The results would be the total or highest number of % points

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