Statement on Inland Navigation
The Angling Trust has issued this statement on navigating inland waterways. In it we have stated our position on this issue with particular reference to the following paragraphs:
“The Angling Trust confirms its support for the Government’s and the Environment Agency’s position, that the way forward, for increased access for other waters users, is by the creation of voluntary access arrangements. Angling Trust is keen to promote voluntary access agreements on all rivers where this is appropriate”
“The Angling Trust understands that it is not always appropriate that either angling or canoeing takes place on every day throughout the year.
The Trust does not advocate navigation or canoeing agreements on rivers:
i) Where there is potential for environmental damage to the river;
ii) On those small rivers where there is likely to be a significant risk of conflict between paddlers and anglers;
iii) On those where riparian owners, whose permission needs to be sought in law for access agreements, would suffer unreasonable interference with the enjoyment of their property“
“The Angling Trust is very concerned that governing bodies of canoeing are frequently mis-stating the law on navigation on rivers in England and Wales and thereby encouraging conflict.”