Get Fishing News

Make time to take time fishing

Hayden Sharp’s dad Stuart let us know that his family have been snowed under with a house move, work demands and his son’s flourishing cricket career.

Stuart realised this meant neither of them have spent time at the waterside for nearly a year!

Stuart took a few hours out and made the effort to pack a bag of bits, bait and a picnic and escaped with “H” to their local fishery for a short float fishing session.

Both bagged up on carp and more importantly, managed to get the fishing bug again. No excuses. Get fishing!

Take someone fishing FREE – find an event HERE.

Can’t find an event on get fishing that fits in with your plans? Then contact Danny and Dave, our Angling Development Officers…

Danny Williams
Angling Development Officer (North)
Angling Trust
[email protected]
07854 240 368

Dave Evans
Angling Development Officer (South)
Angling Trust
[email protected]
07854 239 721

The “Get Fishing” campaign is run by the Angling Trust to increase the number of people being introduced to angling across the country. Anyone interested in going fishing can find angling events at Get Fishing Near You The events listed are for all participants regardless of gender, age, fitness or previous angling experience.

Angling Participation and the Get Fishing campaign is supported by Environment Agency fishing licence income and helps to introduce thousands of people to fishing each year.

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