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Appy Days!

Richard Hadley, Angling Trust Coaching Centre Manager and Lead Safeguarding Officer with a couple of recommendations for your phone…

I’m using two extremely useful (…and free!) apps which can improve anyone’s coaching.

Hudl is a motion capture app for your phone. It allows video playback at various speeds, side by side video comparison and even to overlay videos on top of each other.

Both videos can be synchronised to compare “before and after”. You can imagine how this could be useful for say, casting tuition.

St John Ambulance offer a free first aid app, which gives first aid solutions for almost all situations including heart attack, CPR, cuts and bruises.

It’s great for the bankside and if it’s on your phone you can carry that knowledge whenever you are out.

How good is that?!


Richard Hadley
Angling Trust Coaching Centre Manager and Lead Safeguarding Officer
07720 974811 | [email protected]

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