Beyond the Breakers

Netting of Salcombe Estuary – An important update on next steps

Following the Angling Trust’s response to the Devon & Severn IFCA’s consultation on a proposal to net Salcombe Estuary, we can confirm the following steps are to be undertaken by the IFCA.

Officers of the Devon & Severn IFCA will, following the closure of the consultation, produce a report for the members of the B&PSC. The purpose of this report is to summarise the large volume of responses received. The report will focus on all topics set out in the formal consultation which includes the potential opening of a commercial net fishery in Salcombe Estuary. The report aims to blend responses together to best demonstrate the key themes raised in responses from both individuals and organisations. 

Members of the B&PSC will also be provided with other information and evidence that is prepared by Officers. A package of information will inform discussion and decision making. The report and all information provided to the B&PSC will  be made public.

Members of the B&PSC also have secure access to the responses that have been received, so they can be examined along with the summary provided by Officers.

As we have mentioned in prior communications, the meeting of the B&PSC can be attended by members of the public to observe, whilst they may also submit questions in advance. There are, however, some practical limitations to this that present themselves on this occasion given the level of attention this consultation has received.

The meeting where the vote will take place is to be held from midday on the 22nd February 2024 at Exeter Racecourse. The meeting room has a capacity of 35. Around 20 of this capacity will be required by the IFCA themselves, leaving a mass public turn out logistically impossible to facilitate.

Please be assured that anglers will be represented. The B&PSC membership includes those that have an angling interest, and within the public attendance will be the Angling Trust’s Sea Angling Engagement Manager, Grant Jones, along with the Wyvern Region’s Chairman and Secretary, Alex Parker and Mike Spiller. Other organisations are also represented such as the Environment Agency and Natural England.

With regards to questions to be raised at the meeting, we have agreed to facilitate the collation of such questions from anglers on behalf of the IFCA. The level of response to the consultation has already been considerable , and to ensure the D&S IFCA Officers have the most time possible to, plan and prepare a range of information to provide their Members, we will be collating  anglers’ questions.

Please note that there is only a 30 minute period in the meeting for these questions to be raised and debated. As such, we will only be providing the IFCA with those we feel are most pertinent and those which may not be picked up upon in the course of the wider debate. The Angling Trust already has its own list of questions to provide to the IFCA, so we are not actively asking for the submission of further questions, but they should come to us if you have any. You can send these to [email protected]

Alternatively, you may wish to send your question directly to D&S IFCA. Your question must reach the Chief Officer by 12.00 hours, two working days before the date of the meeting.

[email protected]

Once all the D&S IFCA Officers’ reports and papers  are published, we shall share a further news story publishing the same. For all prior documents and consultation papers you can access them at:

In addition, the published minutes of prior B&PSC meetings are well documented making the process wholly transparent.

If anyone else wishes to attend and observe the meeting on 22nd February, please let Grant Jones know, so that he can manage expectation of numbers with D&S IFCA.



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