
Anglers Views Needed on Southern IFCA Shore Gathering Byelaw

Southern IFCA has initiated a consultation focused on proposing permanent and seasonal closures for shore gathering, including bait digging and collection, within a number of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in their district. Responding to this consultation is vital for local sea anglers. The Angling Trust encourages local sea anglers to share their views with Southern IFCA before the deadline on Friday, November 8th, 2024, at 23:59.

The Angling Trust is preparing a response, and by sharing your views with us you can help to shape our response. Please contact us at [email protected] by Tuesday 5th November to have your views considered in our response. For further details, visit the Southern IFCA consultation page here. 

What’s at Stake? 

The proposed Shore Gathering Byelaw aims to implement features-based spatial management for shore gathering activities in protected areas. This review is prompted by: 

  • The addition of six new Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) to the UK Marine Protected Area (MPA) network. 
  • Updated evidence on the extent and condition of designated features, as provided by Natural England. 
  • Government targets outlined in the Environmental Improvement Plan (2023). 

Under the proposed byelaw, certain restrictions will be in place, including: 

  1. Prohibited Areas: No harvesting of sea fisheries resources by hand or with hand-operated equipment in specified zones. 
  2. Seasonal Closures: Restrictions from March 1 to August 31 (summer) and November 1 to March 31 (winter) on the harvesting of sea fisheries resources by hand or with hand-operated equipment in specified zones 
  3. Equipment Limitations: Restrictions on the use of tiles and traps to harvest crabs in these areas. 

Exemptions exist for certain methods, such as fishing from a vessel that doesn’t touch the seabed, and using specific fishing gear like rods, handlines, spear guns, and certain nets. 

Where are the Proposed Closures? 

Areas within the following Marine Conservation Zones, Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation are being considered for year-round prohibition and/or seasonal closures. Note that for almost all of these sites there is no full-site closure being proposed for shore gathering so please check the map below to identify how you may be impacted by this before sharing your views.  

  • Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledge MCZ 
  • Chesil Beach and The Fleet SPA 
  • Chesil and Fleet SAC 
  • Studland Bay MCZ 
  • Purbeck Coast MCZ 
  • The Needles MCZ 
  • Yarmouth to Cowes MCZ 
  • Bembridge MCZ 
  • Poole Harbour SPA 
  • Solent and Southampton Water SPA 
  • Portsmouth Harbour SPA 
  • Chichester and Langstone Harbour SPA 
  • Lyme Bay and Torbay SAC 
  • Studland to Portland SAC 
  • Solent Maritime SAC 
  • South Wight Maritime SAC 

Your Voice Matters 

These proposed management measures are likely to have implications for bait collection, which is crucial for many local anglers.  

The Angling Trust is particularly interested hearing from local anglers on: 

  • What impact will the proposed areas have on bait collection for you and other local sea anglers, i.e. how frequently the proposed areas are used for bait collection 
  • Proposed closed areas that may be deemed as acceptable  
  • Concerns regarding the potential displacement of bait collection due to these closures 

Your insights as local anglers are invaluable for forming a robust response to the consultation.  

Moving Forward 

The Angling Trust is committed to protecting, promoting and developing recreational sea angling. This includes ensuring both the sustainability of our sport and the marine environment it depends on. We recognise the important role of Marine Conservation Zones in building a more resilient future for our sport and the coastline anglers cherish. At the same time, we are committed to identifying sensible and proportionate ways forward that allow both recreational angling and our marine environment to thrive. Bait collection is an integral part of participating in the sport for many recreational anglers, and the Angling Trust recognises the importance of maintaining access for anglers to gather bait for recreational use. 

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your engagement is crucial for ensuring that local anglers’ perspectives are considered in these important discussions. Together, we can work towards sustainable management of our beloved coastal resources. 

Contact Us 

For your comments and recommendations, please email [email protected] with your views by Tuesday 5th November.  We also recommend that anglers contact Southern IFCA with their views directly.

Any person wishing to object to the confirmation of the Shore Gathering Byelaw or the Fishing for Cockles (Amendment) Byelaw must send a statement of objection in writing to:

Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team
Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House
Hampshire Court
Newcastle Upon Tyne


[email protected]


must send a copy of this statement to the CEO of the Southern IFCA at:

Southern IFCA
Unit 3 Holes Bay Park
Sterte Avenue West
BH15 2AA


[email protected]

Objections must be received no later than 23:59 on 8th November 2024. Please include a correspondence address or email address with your objection. Personal data collected by the Authority will be processed in accordance with GDPR Privacy Notices.

Consultation Documents

As recreational sea anglers, its essential to stay informed and engaged in matters that directly impact the health of our ocean and the future of our sport. The Angling Trust is committed to fighting for fish, fishing and the environment.    

Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter and join our Facebook group to be the first to know about the latest sea angling policy developments. 

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