Get Fishing | Angling Trust Map of Events
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Get Fishing Map of fishing events and places to fish – where to fish and learn to fish in the UK

Licensed angling coaches and beginner angling events where you can find out how to catch a fish, what fishing tackle to use and where to go fishing near to you in England

  • Fishing coaches:

    Find an angling coach to take you fishing and learn about how to catch fish, the best bait and what fishing tackle to use to catch fish and safely release them back into the sea, ponds, lakes, canals,  rivers and streams. Can’t find a coach near to you? Just contact [email protected] for more help finding or becoming an angling coach.

  • Fishing events:

    Our Get Fishing events are perfect for families looking for beginner sessions where you can learn to fish or get back into angling after a break.
    Note: Because of the current public health situation it’s worth just double-checking events are running on the day before you set off – please call or contact the event organiser to confirm before you leave home.

  • Fishing venues:

    The Get Fishing map has venues where you can go fishing. We are working with fishery owners who want to help welcome beginner and returnee anglers to their places to fish in England – please check back as we continually add more, or you can use our map of Angling Trust member fisheries and venues, but please contact the fishery before you set off and find out what facilities are available for beginners – thanks.

Looking for events to learn how to go fishing in England? We’ve got fishing events near to you. Find events across the North East, North West, West Midlands, East Midlands, East of England, London and the South East and South West Regions of England in the UK.


Want to appear on this map?

How to get a listing on the Get Fishing map

Are you a fishery owner, angling coach or event organiser?
Want to get your business or opportunity to help more people discover fishing in front of the thousands of people who use this map each week?
Contact us to find out how to get a FREE listing on this map.


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