Safeguarding & Welfare
As an introduction to the Safeguarding and Welfare process, the Angling Trust has created the simple ‘Safe Club’ checklist above which shows the essentials that should be in place to keep people safe. If Clubs or Fisheries demonstrate they have all the essentials in place by completing the Safe Clubs’ Checklist in the starter pack below, they will be added to our Safe Club list that prospective members can see on our website.
Starter Pack & Incident Report Form
Download our Clubs & Fisheries Safeguarding Children & Adults At Risk Policy Template
Download our Safe Clubs’ Working Checklist
Download our Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Guidance for Clubs, Fisheries and Federations
Download our Safer Recruitment Practices & Guidance
Download our Incident Report form
Welfare Officer Role Description
Clubs, Fisheries and Federations should have a designated Welfare Officer that is DBS checked and trained by the Angling Trust for their role to meet safeguarding guidelines and be compliant with insurers. Click on the image to download a copy. This document also includes a QR code which provides direct access to policies, further guidance and training.
Safeguarding Support & Training
With our Safeguarding Offer, Welfare Officers will receive ongoing support from our Designated Safeguarding Lead to meet the needs of the role in responding to safeguarding concerns or queries. Click on the image to download a copy. This document also includes a QR code which provides direct access to policies, further guidance and training.
The Angling Trust’s Designated Safeguard Lead holds regular Support, Training and Guidance sessions for Welfare Officers and Committee members of angling clubs, fisheries and federations. These sessions also offer forums in which Welfare Officers and Committee members can meet to discuss any queries or concerns. Click for our regularly updated calendar of events and booking process.
Further Support & Guidance
For more information click to access our dedicated Safeguarding page or contact our DSL Dom Lattimer on: [email protected]“