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This Girl Can: Fishing, painting, wildlife… just relaxing
Wildlife artist Claire Brownlow has spent her whole life fishing and it’s the inspiration for her art and an opportunity to spend time with her husband, children and dad for some inter-generational relaxation. Unless fishing was an activity they all look forward to, there would be fewer chances for them to be outdoors and active together and enjoy the wellbeing benefits angling brings to thousands of families…
I am a wildlife and sporting artist using pheasant tail feathers as a quill and I live in the Scottish Borders.
My time spent with my fishing-mad children and husband on the river bank is very special and one of the few times we get, as a family, that every problem or stress can be forgotten for just a while.
I grew up fishing with my father in Norfolk for trout and sea trout on the river Wissey. I love the time I spend with him on the river when it’s just us and we occasionally still visit our old fishing spots in Norfolk, although now of course I get to share my time with Dad on the river with my children and husband too.
I paint a lot of what I see whilst on the river, which is when I get the time to just watch and listen to the natural world.
The water’s edge is close to hand for most people regardless of whether they live in a rural or urban area. To be there quietly fishing for any species is time well spent.
I use a lot of what I see on these trips in my artwork. I especially love painting the swans and geese that use the River Teviot as their highway – seeing wildlife by the river with my boys is amazing!
There’s also nothing like a trip to the west coast of Scotland to flick a fly and just be with my family in a wild place, all enjoying each other’s company.
As the river glides past and the animals get on with their lives around us, life is good…
Clare Brownlow
@pheasantfeatherart | www.clarebrownlow.co.uk | www.facebook.com/ClareBrownlowPheasantFeatherArt
How you can get involved with This Girl Can: Tweet or post pictures, video or stories on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use the hashtags #thisgirlcan and #getfishing to connect the community of women anglers of all ages and abilities. It would be great if your posts show how angling can help women of all ages and backgrounds to get up, out and active, even if it’s just for a short time when you or your family go fishing.
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