
Angling Trust Response to Proposal to add Porbeagle Shark and Common Blue Skate to Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act

A proposal has been made for the porbeagle shark and the common blue skate to be added to Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) under the JNCC 7th Quinquennial Review (QQR7). On the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species, the porbeagle shark is listed as critically endangered in Europe and the common blue skate is listed as critically endangered globally. The origin of this proposal is unknown.

If accepted, these species would be protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act and there would be a prohibition on the intentional killing, injuring, or taking of these species, alongside their possession and trade. This is therefore highly likely to impact on the intentional targeting of these species recreationally.

The proposal is currently under stakeholder consultation, which opened on Monday 8th November 2021 and will close on Sunday 30th January 2022. Evidence submitted as part of this consultation will be considered and included within a series of final recommendations by the JNCC regarding the addition, retention, regrading or removal of species. These changes will come into force in Spring 2022.

The Angling Trust will be responding in collaboration with Shark Hub UK to this consultation. All available evidence will be considered when compiling the response to ensure that the best possible outcome is reached to ensure that angling for this species can continue with the right measures to protect the welfare of the fish.

Learn more about the 7th Quinquennial Review (QQR 7) process here.

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