

The Angling Trust are calling on all anglers over 55 years old to get their applications in for a special assessment day to help select the Masters and Veterans England squads for 2024.

Due to take place at Meadowlands on Wednesday August 23, Masters manager Joe Roberts and Veterans manager Dickie Carr are looking for the day to be a slider fishing test with long range feeding and float casting accuracy under scrutiny.

It comes as the two managers begin their preparations for the big events on the Plovdiv Canal in Bulgaria in May 2024. This is the same venue Tommy Pickering won his individual World Championships gold back in 1989 and is one of the toughest venues to crack on world events.

“We’ve fished the Plovdiv Canal in the past and we know it will be a slider match at 35m-plus fishing for carp and carassio,” explained Joe. “We’ve decided to run our assessment day earlier this time as both teams are self-funded and next year is likely to be an expensive trip to eastern Europe costing each angler around £2,500.

“Not only will be able to assess the talent out there but it gives the anglers selected to travel plenty of time to raise the funds we need to get over there and compete.”

The Masters squad is for anglers between 55 and 65 years old with the Veteran’s squad for those over 65.

* The deadline for applications to be part of the assessment day is Monday July 31, 2023, and all CVs should be emailed to [email protected]



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