

Of all the subjects covered in the Fisheries Support Service, communications is possibly the most subjective. When it comes to the general principles of messaging, there is no definitive ‘right or wrong’ methodology and every club will have its own exclusive needs dependent upon the level of public or private visibility required.

A small, syndicate-style venue may have a need only for a level of private information-sharing with its members while a commercial operation with swims or beats to fill on a daily basis, will be seeking a far greater level of exposure across many platforms.

Whether clubs and fisheries are looking to start or refresh a communications programme, it may be beneficial to return to basics and first consider:

  • What do we NEED to communicate?
  • Is there anything further we WANT to communicate?
  • Who are we targeting?
    • Members only?
    • Potential new members?
    • Day ticket visitors?
    • Members of the local community, perhaps for environmental or general engagement purposes?

The outcomes from this simple exercise are likely to offer an illustration of which platforms will – or possibly won’t – be required. After identifying the level of content and its target audience the following guidance documents may assist further.

Digital Platforms

Digital solutions for club membership administration and finding ways to make it easier for anglers to book swims, buy day tickets and purchase memberships is increasingly important.

Anglers, especially younger anglers, now expect to be able to book and purchase online and track their transactions and bookings by logging in to a website or app. If angling is going to continue to flourish, then clubs and fisheries should consider engaging with digital platforms.

Website Development



Quick Tips for a Better Angling Club Website. This document, created by our own marketing and communications team, highlights some basic introductory principles which may provide guidance through a website build or improvement project.



Communicating with Members, Guests and Visitors.

Modern integrated systems make it easy for members to renew memberships and purchase match tickets or guest tickets online. They also make it easier for clubs or syndicates to communicate with members by email, SMS and through a website and can offer online listings for fisheries and syndicates looking to promote their waters to visitors.

At the venue, bailiffs can potentially check individuals by logging in to the chosen system while a host of other features mean that the work of Membership Secretaries, Treasurers and other committee members is streamlined and simplified. Having membership data held in “the cloud” also means it should be more secure, meaning your club is more compliant with GDPR.

There are many solutions available and most will offer a free trial or a walk through demonstration, so take a look at the options out there and choose what is best for your club. The solutions below are presented in alphabetical order. We don’t suggest it as a comprehensive list, but it is intended to provide a snapshot of the products and platforms available.

CASTBOOKEROnline day ticket platform that offers club membership solutions.

CLUBMATESpecifically designed for angling clubs. Clubmate is an Angling Trust Retail Associate Member offering a comprehensive club management solution which includes website integration. Angling Trust member clubs currently receive a discount on the annual cost.

FISHERIES.CO.UK An Angling Trust Trade Supporter. Comprehensive listings site offering free and paid listings.

FISHERY GUIDEAn Angling Trust Trade Supporter. Finding local places to go fishing.

FISH PAL – A system; “open to all fisheries wherever they are and whatever their size or type”.

GOCATCH.FISH – Online solution for fisheries offering an app and plentiful options to engage with anglers.

iBOOKFISHING – Permit sales, Client Bookings, Events & Competitions are just sone of the features. There’s also club advice for those setting out on the digital journey.

MEMBERMOJO – Simply presented as “Club membership made easy”.

SPORTMEMBER – A solution covering clubs across many sports. Functionality includes: online membership management, building a website, membership subscriptions and club communication.

SWIMBOOKERA leading online day ticket platform, Swimbooker offers an integrated membership management solution.

WHERE TO FISHHomepage offers categories featuring coarse, fly and sea and identifies clubs that can offer on-site accommodation.

  • Fisheries and Clubs in Wales should always ensure they are listed on the Fishing Wales website.
  • All Fisheries, regardless of location, should look at the insurance package, fishery promotion and protection offered by Fish Legal and included with Membership of The Angling Trust.


Understanding The Law


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) supplemented by the Data Protection Act 2018 legally requires anyone holding an individual’s personal data* to use that data fairly, transparently and responsibly, to keep it safe, accurate  and to only keep it for as long as it is needed . These are contained in strict rules known as ‘Data Protection Principles’.

This applies to anyone who holds data on file (paper and digital files are both affected) regardless of whether you hold it as a commercial operation or as a club. It is therefore important for all organisations who hold – or intend to hold – data about individuals to be fully conversant with the GDPR regulations.

Further reading about GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 is available on the government website.

*Personal data is recorded information that is about a living person or which in combination with other information could identify that person.

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