
14 July 2020

Fighting back against fisheries crime: How you can help!

We all want to see healthy fish stocks and safe fisheries, but what can angling as a whole do to hel…
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19 June 2020

Scenes of great beauty: interview with artist David Miller

Whether it is the many book and magazine covers he has painted, or the fish on your rod licence, wil…
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15 June 2020

Grey Mullet: Justification for Management

Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, discusses the need for better management of grey mu…
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Angling Trust About us
12 June 2020

Beginner’s guide to river fishing: new coarse season advice

Looking to go coarse fishing on running water this month? Dominic Garnett is your guide to the essen…
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08 June 2020

Dry weather advice for fisheries to help protect fish

Prolonged dry weather can have a detrimental effect on both River and Stillwater Fisheries. When we…
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03 June 2020

Technology Solutions in Embracing the ‘New Solutions’

Nevin Hunter, Marine Coordinator for the Angling Trust, discusses the role of technology in communic…
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02 June 2020

Angling’s unsung heroes: what the future holds for volunteers

Angling Trust National Volunteers Manager Karen Sarkar reflects on the vital contribution volunteers…
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01 June 2020

Grey Mullet: Why Are They Threatened

In this next instalment, Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, talks about why grey mulle…
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29 May 2020

Fishing For Our Health

The value of nature has never been more apparent. As we continue living life in a coronavirus Britai…
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26 May 2020

Grey Mullet: An Introduction

Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, provides his expertise and understanding of grey mu…
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Become a member
19 May 2020

How do I fish legally? Advice for beginners in…

Going fishing for the first time can be confusing. It’s important to realise that no-one in En…
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08 May 2020

Reel Challenge! Sam Edmonds’ epic species hunt angling adventure

Ever wondered how many British fish species it might be possible to catch? For most of us, it’s a ch…
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