Get Fishing News
It’s time for #FishingHour!
We’ve kicked off a new Twitter campaign called #FishingHour to bring the angling Twitter community together at 4-5pm (GMT) every Friday with questions, tips, stories, and just general fishing conversation. There are lots of other “Twitter Hours” for sports, hobbies, places and communities, but not yet one for anglers and the angling industry. Let’s all put this right!
It would be great if you could help promote this by joining the conversation each Friday between 4-5pm using #fishinghour.
All you need to do to join in is post your own question, advice, product news, or ideas on where to go fishing this weekend with the hashtag #fishinghour, or even simpler, just include that hashtag in anything you’ve already got scheduled for between 4-5pm on Friday(s) then we will retweet and reply to help spread the word.
Will Smith – Angling Promotion Manager, Angling Trust
[email protected]
You can find the Get Fishing campaign’s news and events on Twitter at @GetIntoFishing – we often use the hashtag #GetFishing. The Angling Trust is @AnglingTrust.
Find events to come fishing or get back into angling at get fishing
Thanks to Ladies Carp Academy for the picture – a great place for female anglers of all abilities and experiences to meet and learn from one another in a social, fun and relaxed environment.