Have Your Say on Water Management in England
The Challenges and Choices Consultation deadline has been extended to the 24th September 2020 due to the global pandemic. This consultation is being carried out by the Environment Agency and seeks to understand the views of many stakeholders, including the public, on the challenges our waters and the choices we collectively need to make to tackle those challenges.
It presents a unique opportunity to help shape the management of the water environment in England. The final plans will contain legally binding water environment objectives and a summary of the programmes of measures to guide the work of Defra, the Environment Agency, water companies and catchment partnerships’ over the next six years. There are significant challenges facing water in England and its vital that strong sustainable management is put in place across all sectors to secure this finite resource for future generations.
As the Angling Trust, we will be seeking robust management to safeguard our declining freshwater biodiversity from the risks of over-abstraction, to limit damaging agricultural pollution and to secure water storage for protection against drought and water scarcity, to name a few of the actions we are campaigning for in light of this consultation.
Here at the Angling Trust we know this consultation is one that many anglers would like to have their say on. To help, we have created the following information guide with example points for each question that you can use to get the key information included.
The more anglers who respond to this consultation, the stronger the voice of angling will be. Please consider submitting a response. You do not have to answer every question, but our guide will help.
Download the members guide here: Challenges and Choices – Members Edition
Complete the consultation here: