Get Fishing | Sam 5-2

Get Fishing for Wellbeing News

Super Student Sam’s Story of Amazing Angling and Artwork!

We received an amazing email from Debbie Jones, a Teacher at Triple Crown Centre, Solihull – it’s a school for students who are unable to attend mainstream school because of medical reasons. Debbie wrote to us about one of her pupils – Sam – and how his love of fishing has been helping his mental health…

Debbie said:

“Sam is a Year 10 student and he’s absolutely passionate about fishing. I enclose a little bit about him and how fishing has helped his mental health.

“Sam would love you to use his story to help encourage other young people to get into fishing, and as you can see, it has helped his mental health more than anything. He truly is an inspiration and I hope this will encourage others to take fishing up!”

Debbie told us that when Sam gets to school on a Monday morning he always tells her where he’s been fishing and his face “lights up” as he tells her what he’s caught. Fantastic!

Sam’s mum added:

“As soon as the Lockdown had finished Sam was the first one at his local fishery as soon as it opened!”

What’s best though is that Sam took the time to write a lovely letter and include this brilliant artwork that’s been inspired by his successes. Sam describes in his own words the health and wellbeing benefits he gets from going fishing. Over to Sam then…

“Hello my name is Sam,

I’m a year ten student studying art.

I found fishing when I was about ten and it took over my life and helped a huge amount with my mental health as I struggle with anxiety and depression, but the rush and the tranquillity took over me and removed any negativity that I had before that.

I’m a keen angler who loves trying new styles of fishing such as carp, pike, perch, zander, trout, sturgeon and many more.

On my recent holiday to Turkey I went with a few locals and tried hand lining – it was one of the best experiences of my life.

Get Fishing | Sam Art

Sam’s fishing exploits and the nature he encounters while out fishing have been the inspiration to create superb artwork like this

Fishing really can take you to places you never thought you would go.

I think about that when I’m next down the bank every day.

And none of this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Lavender Hall Fisheries in Balsall Common. The Fishery Manager Tom taught me everything from just pole fishing to boilie and lure fishing.

If it wasn’t for him I would still be in the dark place like I was before.

You don’t need fancy equipment just a rod and reel and a few worms and when you catch I promise it will change your life for the better!



Thanks Sam! We love your fishing pics – these are sure to inspire more people to try fishing!

We think it’s awesome to read how something as simple as going fishing has had such a positive impact on a young person’s life. Sam’s story is inspiring – it just goes to show that getting out in the open and exploring the waterways near home can really change your life for the better.

And, well played to Tom Lawrie at Lavender Hall Fishery for taking the time to show Sam what to do. If you go fishing remember how you started and please consider asking a family member, friend or colleague if they fancy fishing… you might be surprised!

Give it a go – Get Fishing!

UPDATE! 02/05/2021 – Another step on the fishing journey…

We ran the blog past Teacher Debbie who updated us:

Thank you soooo much. Sam is just going to be so happy!!! He told me last week that he has now got himself a fly rod! So no doubt he’ll pack his rucksack and take himself off on his bike to find the nearest river! Thanks again. Debbie Jones

Did you know…?

  • The majority of people in England live within 5 miles of a waterway
  • You need a fishing licence to go fishing – get one at
  • You don’t need to spend much on fishing kit – £25 is enough to get a simple setup
  • Don’t worry about buying bait specially – you can use bread, sweetcorn and even cooked rice or pasta to catch a fish!
  • Make sure you’ve got permission to fish – find out where to go fishing by using our map of places to Get Fishing
  • The Angling Trust run hundreds of events to help people discover the wonders of angling – find them here
  • Beginner Get Fishing events are funded by the Environment Agency
  • The Environment Agency reinvests fishing licence money in places to go fishing and habitat for fish and wildlife through funds like the Angling Improvement Fund and Get Fishing Fund

Why not give fishing a go – you’ll be amazed at the health and wellbeing benefits it can bring you and all the family!
Angling Trust runs fun, safe and friendly Get Fishing beginner fishing events to learn to fish at

About Mental Health Awareness Week – 10th to 16th May 2021:
This year’s theme is ‘Nature’ and there’s a focus of connecting more people to nature – we think this an ideal opportunity to emphasise the positive benefits that going fishing can have, especially on people’s mental health and well being. Share your images/videos/or even sound recordings of the nature related to angling near to you (and how this made you feel) on social media using #ConnectWithNature and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

Read More:

About the Triple Crown Centre:

‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’ – At The Triple Crown Centre, we value and respect each other as individuals with special abilities and qualities. We look after each other and everything around us.

The Triple Crown Centre is a school for students aged 11-16, resident in Solihull and on a school roll, who are unable to attend their mainstream provision because of medical reasons. Students who attend the school may have the following characteristics:

  • Extreme anxiety and/or depression as a consequence of abuse or trauma that cannot be supported in mainstream school, despite additional support
  • Evidence of potential/actual self-harm, which cannot be safely managed within a mainstream school, despite additional support
  • A physical disability or illness that prevents access to mainstream provision


Want to get your school, academy or organisation fishing…?

If you are involved in education or any organisation that would like to give your clients, staff and end-users a go at fishing we can help. Get in touch with our Partnership Development Managers Dean Asplin (South of England) or James Roche (North of England) and they can help put you in touch with an angling club or coach near to you or even arrange a bespoke event for beginners or people who want to get back into angling.

Contact Us:

In the North of England?

In the South of England?



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