
Nature 2030 campaign launch calls for radical new commitments for nature

The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world with more than one in seven native wildlife species, including a number of fish and aquatic invertebrates, facing extinction and more than 40% in decline.

Against a government target of protecting 30% of the land and sea for nature by 2030, just 3% of land and 4% of sea is effectively protected for nature in the UK.

In 2022, 301,091 sewage spills were reported discharging in England, 14,008 in Scotland and 74,066 in Wales.  Sewage discharged for 2.4 million hours across England, Scotland and Wales.

Over 1,600 river, lake and groundwater sites across England have a mixture of harmful chemicals within them and not a single river in England meets good chemical status with only 14% of rivers meeting good ecological status.  If action isn’t taken now chemical pollution will get worse not better, our rivers will continue to decline and pollution will impact fish and fishing, as well as the natural environment.

How can the chemical cocktail in waterways be addressed?

The Nature 2030 campaign mini-manifesto is challenging political leaders to finally call an end to hazardous chemical pollution, urging them to:

  • Support farmers to switch to nature-friendly pesticide alternatives.
  • Protect and restore contaminated land, freshwater and marine ecosystems.
  • Introduce a legal right to a healthy environment, free of hazardous chemicals, for all.
  • Make big polluting companies pay a levy to tackle the environmental damage that they cause.

Kris Kent, Campaigns & Advocacy Manager at the Angling Trust, urges anglers to put pressure on their MPs to take action on the environment. He said:

“Our rivers face a pollution crisis, and many rivers are approaching a tipping point.  If politicians don’t act on the chemicals cocktail blighting our waterways, we are at risk of losing iconic species like the Atlantic Salmon. We need politicians to step up to the plate and to act now.  Targets set for the dim and distant future are not good enough.  We need a government with vision, that invests in action now, and demands more from agriculture, industry, the water companies, and the regulators tasked with protecting the environment.”

The Wildlife and Countryside Link is the largest environment and wildlife coalition in England, bringing together 80 organisations, including the Angling Trust, to use their strong joint voice for the protection of nature. Link members campaign to conserve, enhance and access our landscapes, animals, plants, habitats, rivers and seas.  Together, Link have the support of over eight million people in the UK and directly protect over 750,000 hectares of land and 800 miles of coastline.

Read the full Wildlife & Countryside Link Chemical Mini-Manifesto HERE


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