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Get Fishing for Wellbeing North

Shrewley Pools Farm Fishery – Midlands

“ We at Shrewley Pools Farm Fishery are dedicated to providing a safe , peaceful environment so that you can immerse yourself in nature whilst fishing in our 3.5 acre lake . The idyllic pool is situated within the farm and is surrounded by bird filled old trees . My husband and I particularly welcome families, and those that value a quiet space- for whatever reason. The lake has three disabled friendly pegs , pristine toilet , and we are currently creating an area for families to use with a bivvy/BBQ etc .

Shrewley Pools Farm Fishery has its own safeguarding officer , Cathy Dodd , lead coach , Terry Barnett , and are keen supporters of Angling For Recovery , Fishing For Fun , and RBL .

Those who need the reassurance that they are welcome , for whatever reason, are always welcomed here . ”

Telephone – 01926 484315      Competitions – Steve Barnes – 01473 327366

Email – [email protected]


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