

The Angling Trust Drennan England Feeder team are ready to go into action this weekend in what could be the best World Feeder Championships in history.

Following an intense week’s training in the Spanish sun, Dean Barlow’s team are confident of a good result after recording weights of over 60kg (130lb+) in practice sessions.

Carp and carassio have made up the majority of catches throughout the week, with barbel, catfish and bleak also present in the 300m wide Rio Guadiana at Mérida.

In what promises to be a fish-filled event, the England Feeder Team boast a frightening pool of talent that includes World number one ranked feeder angler Steve Ringer, Will Freeman, Lee Kerry, Mick Vials, Adam Wakelin, and Rob Wootton.

Over the past two years the squad have earned team silver in Belgium in 2022 and finished with a bronze in Serbia last summer. But it’s gold that’s the target for Dean’s men. Today they’ve drawn next to their big rivals Hungary in the last of the practice sessions on the bagging water before the two, five-hour matches on Saturday and Sunday.

“It’s an unbelievable venue,” admitted Dean who is supported by Assistant Manager Jamie Harrison, Rich Wilson, and Graham West. “The squad and support team behind them have worked incredibly hard all week as normal. This is harder than work, but we love it, and we strive for success.”

“Thanks for all the support and positive comments we’ve received – it does make a difference to know that we have that backing from back home.”

* The Angling Trust and England Feeder squad would like to thank Drennan International and Sensas for their support.

Follow all the action on the Team Facebook page here.

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