
Bob Roberts – Writer and Experienced All-Round Angler


It is an honour to be named as an Angling Trust ambassador. By the early 1990s I had established myself as an angling writer and was earning a small income from the sport. Even then I recognised I had a responsibility to give something back, so I dug deep and paid upfront for a life membership of the then ACA [Anglers’ Conservation Association] which evolved into the Angling Trust as the sport’s Governing Body.

Anyone who benefits from the sport, whether as writers, videographers, bloggers, coaches, fishery owners, employees of tackle shops, manufacturers, indeed anyone taking from the sport in however small a way, should join and support the Trust. It costs a pittance, and the wider benefits are huge. Who else will protect the waterside environment, our sport and in effect your role in it? Only then can we seriously ask others to join. Together we can be strong.

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