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Get Fishing for Wellbeing South

Angling & Mental Health Initiative (AMHI) – Sussex

Angling & Mental Health Initiative (AMHI) – Sussex

At AMHI we introduce the sport of fishing to people from all communities and promote fishing as a way of improving wellbeing.

We host free “Let’s Go Fishing!” Open day events and help support new anglers in the beginning steps of their angling adventure. 

We also promote fishing as a sport, and provide custom lessons, teaching basic fishing skills to allow people to fish away from open day events, furthering their ability to go fishing, as well as teaching the more advanced skills.

We work with local community groups to work with special needs schools and social prescribers, and we are always expanding and growing our portfolio.

Using angling as a therapeutic approach to better people’s mental health is one of our key attributes, but we are also mindful of building peoples skills in fishing to keep them fishing for longer. 

07708 917171

EMIAL – [email protected]


FACEBOOK – http://Facebook – Lets_go

INSTAGAM – http://Instagram – letsgofishing_amhi

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