


There was a nail-biting end to this year’s FishOMania Final with the closest finish ever – just 100g separating the top two anglers – sparking the competition’s first-ever re-weigh to confirm the winner.

The re-weigh proved the top three positions were correct with Pontefract’s Dave Shires coming out on top to win the £50,000 first prize at a seering hot Westwood Lakes in Lincolnshire.

Dave’s 45k 150g catch put him almost two kilos clear of Kieran Marsden on 43k 275g with Jimmy Brooks taking third on 39k 750g.

Drawing peg 25, West Yorkshire-based Dave led from early on, but in the closing stages the three men ended up just a fish apart and trading carp for carp. A run of seven fish in the last 30 minutes settled it for Dave though.

Fishing his third final in a row, Dave mixed it up tactically catching carp and F1s on worm head over micros in the edge, caster short, and worm head or casters at 11m just off the far bank.


1 David Shires – Peg 25 – 45k 150g (after re-weigh)

2 Kieran Marsden – Peg 19 – 43k 275g (after re-weigh)

3 Jimmy Brooks – Peg 21 – 39k 750g (after re-weigh)

4 Matt Dawes – Peg 24 – 38kg

5 Andy Bennett – Peg 4 – 34k 250g

6 Jamie Hughes – Peg 18 – 31k 275g

7 Kristian Jones – Peg 12 – 30k 475g

8 Jordan Holloway – Peg 5 – 30k 025g

9 Dale Shepherd – Peg 2 – 29k 875g

10 Chris Reilly – Peg 23 – 29k 775g

11 Alex Dawson – Peg 13 – 28k 525g

12 Andy Power – Peg 15 – 26k 900g

13 Harry Campbell – Peg 20 – 24k 150g

14 Nick Speed – Peg 1 – 24kg

15 Gary Ainscough – Peg 6 – 23k 100g

16 Adam Playford – Peg 7 – 22k 175g

17 Pemb Wrighting – Peg 11 – 21k 525g

18 Ben Townsend – Peg 9 – 20k 300g

19 Kim De Page – Peg 10 – 19k 725g

20 Harry Bignell – Peg 17 – 19k 700g

21 Ted Stewart – Peg 16 – 18k 900g

22 Leanne Knott – Peg 3 – 17k 925g

23 James Woodfine – Peg 8 – 17k 825g

24 Nico Kremer – Peg 22 – 15k 700g

25 Jason Redgrave – Peg 15 – 15k 650g


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