
Request further information if available

All the information we currently have is currently displayed within Get Involved: Coaching.  This includes cost and pre-requisites of events, plus the schedule of dates and times (also location and postcode for face-to-face courses).  If it isn’t on our webpages then we probably don’t yet have details of what you want to find out. 

Coaching Centre staff won’t know in advance about possible future events, but we’ll make the details public once they reach us.  If you can’t see an event that would be suitable for you, it’s likely that at this stage what you’re looking for hasn’t been set up .

To hear about potentially suitable new coaching courses when the details are made public, ideally you need to join our Enquiry List.

Please contact [email protected] stating your approximate location.

For other queries or for further information not provided on our webpages, please fill in the form below.  (Please note that responses are not automated: it may be some time before the form reaches the appropriate person to deal with your query.)

  • This form is for requesting further details beyond those already displayed about coaching qualifications. To receive alerts about new events, instead please email [email protected] with your location.


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