
Fisheries Improvement Programme


The portal will not be open for applications before this time.

Money for projects to improve habitat and facilities for anglers will be made available through the Fisheries Improvement Programme, which comes directly from sales of coarse and trout fishing licences in England and therefore is ring-fenced for use in England on coarse and trout fisheries.

Who can apply?

The EA welcomes proposals from angling clubs, fisheries, NGOs, local authorities or other community organisations involved in angling.

Information for applicants

Angling clubs, fisheries managers and other partners can submit project proposals using the portal. The system will ask you some basic information about the type of works you are considering. To help you understand the type of projects that may be supported, the Agency has issued the following criteria:

For a project to be considered, it must provide angling benefits and the water where the project is planned must be open for fishing. We will prioritise applications from clubs with open membership or fisheries selling day tickets to maximise the number of rod licence holders benefitting.


The funding criteria is as follows

1) Sustainable and resilient fisheries: maintain, improve and develop fisheries to address impacts and pressures, including

  • Proactive management of prolonged dry weather and/or climate impacts: including equipment to monitor water quality and limit the impact of an incident.
  • Improving fisheries management: it may be sometimes necessary get expert advice or undertake investigations to better understand and manage fish stocks (This fund will NOT pay for fish stocking).
  • Coarse, trout and eel habitat/passage projects: these are the key reasons for sub-optimal fish stocks.

Or 2) Accessible angling: providing better angling access and safe facilities for all, including

  • Angling infrastructure: new and upgraded platforms, pegs and pathways for rivers and stillwaters. Considering the needs of less able-bodied anglers and health/well-being benefits. Other possibilities include toilet facilities, car parks, and practical management of the surrounding habitat with a direct benefit for angling.
  • Community and urban fisheries: supporting partners to develop and manage fisheries in local areas where a need and interest has been identified (may require both habitat and access work).

3) Match funding: all projects should seek to secure additional funds and/or ‘non-financial’ support in the form of labour.

Start planning your project now

With these 5 simple steps.....

  1. Contact your local Fisheries Officer to discuss your plans, taking on board any advice before submitting an application. If you do not have a direct contact then call 03708 506506.
  2. Start gathering prices and quotes for materials and contractors to pull together the full financial cost of your project.
  3. Consider if permissions need to be obtained from landowners or other affected partners.
  4. Ascertain what risk assessments and other safety measures need to be in place for the project to commence.
  5. Start planning your financial and non-financial contribution to the project.

Please note: the FIP funding does not cover works to prevent predation and biosecurity. Funding for both of these is through the Angling Improvement Fund (AIF). Please email [email protected] to receive updates regarding these funds.


For further information regarding the Fisheries Improvement Programme

Please contact Andy Petch on: 07495 433 626


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