Sea Angling Voluntary Group (SAVG)
The Sea Angling Voluntary Group (SAVG) provides opportunities for Recreational Sea Anglers (RSA) within local regions to support the Angling Trust as it develops sea angling matters. Regions will reflect those geographically covered by the IFCA’s with a single region covering Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and with a Midlands representation to ensure RSA issues are reflected across the country.
Drawing on expertise from across the Angling Trust and beyond, the SAVG will act to identify and action matters of concerns at a regional and local level to support the RSA community to ensure access for the sport to thrive, ensuring anglers “rights” are protected and will interact with the MAG taking actions from it and raising strategic concerns as necessary. The SAVG will work towards more and bigger fish being available to sea angling, that the environment is protected and improved to provide for better ecosystems to support the fish species of interest to recreational sea anglers, and to support actions and interventions to increase participation and competitions in the sport.
The SAVG is an Angling Trust operational group, reporting to the Head of Campaigns and the CEO, as required. It is managed by the Angling Trust’s Sea Angling Engagement Manager, Grant Jones.
The SAVG does not replace the old Angling Trust Marine regions of Wyvern, Wessex/Isle of Wight and Sussex, which are still operational. It will integrate and strengthen their role insofar as it offers a communications channel to the MAG and the Angling Trust that has not previously existed. The group works closely with the Competitions and Participation Departments within the Angling Trust, who will have representation on it.