
02 June 2021

New Code of Practice for Netting Around Piers Introduced…

Today (Wednesday 2nd June 2021) Southern IFCA has announced the introduction of a new Code of Practi…
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20 May 2021

Building Momentum on the Admiralty: Campaign Update

On Tuesday 18th May representatives from the Angling Trust and Dover Sea Angling Association met wit…
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07 May 2021

Campaign Update: Progress Made on Admiralty Pier

Sign the petition now to save angling on Admiralty Pier, Dover.  On Thursday 6th May, representative…
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29 April 2021

Campaign Update – Fighting to Save Angling on Admiralty…

Sign the petition to save angling on Admiralty Pier in Dover Thank you for all your support so far a…
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23 April 2021

Bluefin tuna: government give go ahead for “citizen science”…

A science-based recreational bluefin tuna fishery has been given the green light by Defra.  This new…
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06 April 2021

Sea Anglers lead fight to restore Sussex kelp forests

A new bylaw has been approved to prohibit trawling year-round in more than 100 square miles of seabe…
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12 March 2021

Survey for recreational sea anglers targeting all UK shark…

Through a new collaborative partnership with the Angling Trust, Shark Angling Club of Great Britain…
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04 March 2021

Angling Trust Supports Proposals To Protect UK Offshore Marine…

The Angling Trust is backing proposals by the UK government to ban damaging fishing activities, such…
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04 March 2021

Anglers will not face a hike in the cost…

Many anglers make use of their own boats to go fishing.  This can add a lot of cost to the pleasure…
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02 March 2021

With the chaos around the fishing industry there’s a…

David Mitchell, Head of Sea Angling, shares his views on recreational sea angling being represented…
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19 February 2021

Update on 2021 Bass Fishing Regulations

David Mitchell, Head of Sea Angling, shares his views on the ongoing negotiations between the govern…
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12 January 2021

Bass Fishing Measures For 2021

The government rolled over the 2020 bass fishing measures into 2021 as we waited an outcome from the…
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