

The Angling Trust Competitions team can confirm the venue and dates for the 2024 Cadet, Junior and Youth Nationals.

Cheshire’s prolific Partridge Lakes will host the three matches over the weekend of June 29 and 30, with Covey’s 1 to 6, Marsh, Spey, Ribbon, Willow and Holbar reserved for our anglers.

As with the 2023 Nationals, the number of youngsters predicted to take part means we will once again split the matches over two days. This time it will be the two youngest age groups, the 10- to 12-year-old Cadets and 13- to 15-year-old Juniors who will fish on the Saturday followed by the 16 to 20s in the Youth National on Sunday.

“We’re delighted to be able to work with Partridge Lakes for this event,” confirmed Steve Fitzpatrick, Angling Trust Head of Competitions. “The team at Partridge are forward thinking when it comes to supporting young anglers and I’m sure the 2024 Nationals will be as exciting as ever.

“We made the decision to inform coaches and parents earlier than normal as the fishing calendar and family diaries fill up quickly and we wanted to ensure everyone keen to take part could set the dates aside now.”

The Cadet, Junior, and Youth Nationals are teams of six events and are open to all young anglers from 10 to 20 years of age – more info at


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