

Get Fishing | Stockton Fishing Inclusivity
Get Fishing Blog
21 November 2022

Get Fishing Supporters – how are our fun, safe…

The Participation Team at the Angling Trust are on a mission to help angling clubs, coaches and fish…
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Get Fishing | Reel Education 1
Get Fishing Blog
21 November 2022

Reel Education – fishing in primary schools goes from…

Shakespeare Fishing Tackle and Angling Trust joined forces this year with a new school engagement pr…
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Get Fishing | Stockton Fishing Inclusivity
21 November 2022

Angling Coaching Update: Courses for angling guides and the…

Info about new angling qualifications, the courses and a brand new  ‘Guide Assured’ qualification By…
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Get Fishing | Stockton Fishing Inclusivity
Get Fishing Blog
21 November 2022

How the Together Fund from Sport England has helped…

Working with Sport England – £150,000 of Together Fund for priority angling projects By James Roche,…
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Get Fishing News
21 November 2022

Environment Agency Get Fishing Fund helps grassroots angling groups

The Get Fishing Team’s funding plans have had nationwide effect – how the Environment Ag…
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Get Fishing | Bristol-1 (4)
Get Fishing Blog
21 November 2022

Bringing ‘We Fish as One’ to Bristol

Bringing ‘We Fish as One’ to Bristol By Dean Asplin, Regional Angling Development Manager, South of…
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Get Fishing | Jimmy Header for Website Blog - 1
Get Fishing Blog
21 November 2022

TikTok tactics bring bigger angling to the millions –…

Spreading the Get Fishing message is vital to attract new audiences. Jimmy Willis, Marketing Manager…
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Anglers Against Litter
21 November 2022

Tonbridge anglers carry out clean-up at country park and…

Tonbridge & District Anglers have been making the most of their free litter picking equipment fr…
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17 November 2022


The Angling Trust is seeking an experienced, motivated person to become the first-ever manager of th…
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17 November 2022


The Angling Trust is seeking an experienced, motivated person to manage the England Under 20 squad i…
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Anglers Against Pollution
17 November 2022

Water Quality Monitoring Network inspires local campaign to clean-up…

A Cheshire angling club has launched a local campaign to clean up the River Bollin following Water Q…
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Angling Trust
17 November 2022

Preston Innovations to support the work of the Angling…

Preston Innovations, one of the biggest names in match fishing, have agreed to become a Trade Associ…
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Watch: from the Angling Trust Youtube channel

This animated video from our Environment team explains how and why you should report sighting of Invasive Non-Native Species every time you go fishing.


Jamie Cook, Angling Trust CEO, visits Benwick Sports Angling Centre in Soham, who have recently joined us as Retail Associate Members.


This Virtual Sea Angling Forum was originally broadcast in December 2021 and explains why and how sea anglers can get involved in the Sea Angling Diary Project.

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