
UK Sea Fishing Angling Trust Marine Conservation
19 April 2022

Sea Anglers, Clubs & Skippers Encouraged to Apply for…

The recreational sea angling community is among those applicable to funding under the Fisheries and…
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Individual Sea angling on local beach at Redcar, Cleveland - 2. Picture by Rob Hendry
04 April 2022

Recreational Sea Anglers Overlooked in the Joint Fisheries Statement…

In January 2022, the UK government and devolved administrations published the draft Joint Fisheries…
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Get Fishing - How To Go Beach Fishing with Jimmy Willis | Get Fishing TV
Get Fishing News
26 March 2022

How To Go Beach Fishing with Jimmy Willis |…

Want to learn how to go fishing from the beach but don’t know where to begin? You’re in…
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05 January 2022

Angling Trust Secures Funding for Fisheries Management Plans

The Angling Trust is pleased to announce that government funding through the Fisheries and Seafood S…
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22 November 2021

Angling Trust Response to Proposal to add Porbeagle Shark…

A proposal has been made for the porbeagle shark and the common blue skate to be added to Schedule 5…
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01 October 2021

Big step towards seeing angling return to Dover’s Admiralty…

Angling will return to Admiralty Pier in October as part of a pilot project agreed between the Dover…
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02 August 2021

Progress on Admiralty Pier: Pushing for a Practical Solution

On Monday 26th July a public scrutiny meeting was held by Dover District Council to discuss the futu…
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Beyond the Breakers
06 July 2021

The Blue Shark: Wanderer of the deep blue

“They’re beautiful – God, how beautiful they are!   They’re an impossibly pe…
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Beyond the Breakers
02 July 2021

Take action to keep the sea plastic free

It’s no secret that our oceans are drowning in plastic, so how can we as sea anglers promote a plast…
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25 June 2021

Angling for Shark Science: Launch of Shark Hub UK

Launching today, Shark Hub UK is an exciting partnership between the recreational shark angling comm…
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UK Sea Fishing Angling Trust Marine Conservation
23 June 2021

Exciting New Plans for Saltwater Angling

There is an exciting future ahead for sea angling in England and Wales. The Fisheries Act 2020 and t…
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02 June 2021

New Code of Practice for Netting Around Piers Introduced…

Today (Wednesday 2nd June 2021) Southern IFCA has announced the introduction of a new Code of Practi…
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