

Get Fishing | Get Fishing Fund News 1
Get Fishing News
05 April 2023

Get Fishing Fund – Funded Projects: April 2023 update

So far in 2023, 113 Get Fishing Fund Projects have been awarded £197,939 in grants by the Environmen…
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Anglers Against Pollution
04 April 2023

Government Plan for Water will fall short without money…

The Angling Trust has welcomed the publication of the Government’s Plan for Water but warned that it…
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Anglers Against Litter
04 April 2023

Anglers take part in big clean-ups on rivers and…

Over 350 bags of rubbish, 25 tyres, an avocado toilet and an abandoned sign saying ‘Cleaning in Prog…
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Angling Trust
03 April 2023

Reel Education – teaching maths, science and art through…

Shakespeare Fishing Tackle and the Angling Trust launch innovative project for primary schools Shake…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing South
01 April 2023

Dan Smedley – Cornwall

I’m a Level 2 Coach with First Catch Coaching and have been fishing for over 20 years. To this…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing North
01 April 2023

Get Hooked on Fishing – North

Fun, interactive training based on angling by young people to give participants confidence and show…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing North
01 April 2023

Windermere, Ambleside and District Angling Association – Cumbria

The largest angling club in Cumbria Windermere, Ambleside and District Angling Association (WADAA Lt…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing South
01 April 2023

Reflections Angling – Dorking

We are focussed on providing a safe, friendly environment for those with mental health issues –…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing South
01 April 2023

Angling & Mental Health Initiative (AMHI) – Sussex

Angling & Mental Health Initiative (AMHI) – Sussex At AMHI we introduce the sport of fishi…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing North
01 April 2023

Angle for the Community – Immingham (N.East Lincs)

Angle for the Community based at Homestead Park , Immingham , N .E Lincs ( DN40 2HX ) We offer angli…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing North
01 April 2023

Gilling West Fly Fishers – North Yorkshire

We are a small, friendly fly fishing club based at Gilling West, a few miles from Richmond, North Yo…
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Get Fishing for Wellbeing North
01 April 2023

Bradford Community Play & Development Service – Bradford

Our angling sessions offer many benefits for mental health and wellbeing, including confidence build…
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Watch: from the Angling Trust Youtube channel

This animated video from our Environment team explains how and why you should report sighting of Invasive Non-Native Species every time you go fishing.


Jamie Cook, Angling Trust CEO, visits Benwick Sports Angling Centre in Soham, who have recently joined us as Retail Associate Members.


This Virtual Sea Angling Forum was originally broadcast in December 2021 and explains why and how sea anglers can get involved in the Sea Angling Diary Project.

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