
10 June 2020

Anglers Face ‘Lock Out’ From New Marine Zones

Recreational sea anglers in England face the prospect of being locked out of some of their favourite…
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03 June 2020

Technology Solutions in Embracing the ‘New Solutions’

Nevin Hunter, Marine Coordinator for the Angling Trust, discusses the role of technology in communic…
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01 June 2020

Grey Mullet: Why Are They Threatened

In this next instalment, Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, talks about why grey mulle…
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29 May 2020

Fishing For Our Health

The value of nature has never been more apparent. As we continue living life in a coronavirus Britai…
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26 May 2020

Grey Mullet: An Introduction

Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, provides his expertise and understanding of grey mu…
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18 May 2020

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: A CHART for the UK

Steve Murphy, head of the Bluefin Tuna UK campaign and member of the Angling Trust’s marine advisory…
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06 May 2020

From Critic to Sea Angling Champion: Why I’m Supporting…

  Anyone who knows me, or has followed my career over the past 26 years of editing and writing…
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05 May 2020

Fishing for Plaice

 We’ve all been locked down and unable to get out fishing – and of course this time of year is…
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24 April 2020

Sea Angling: A Key To Restoring Our Coastal Economy

Stuart Singleton-White, Head of Campaigns, sheds light on the vital role of recreational sea angling…
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20 April 2020

Grey Mullet: A Case For Reforming Inshore Netting

Hannah Rudd, Campaigns Officer, discusses the importance of reforming inshore netting for safeguardi…
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06 April 2020

Yorkshire and North East Coastal Sea Trout Netting Season…

The Environment Agency will not be extending the season for trout netting in the Yorkshire and the N…
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31 March 2020

Self-Employed Income Support Helps Some While Others Are Often…

Self-employed people were breathing a sigh of relief last night as the Chancellor announced a packag…
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