Get Fishing News
Spring into Fishing 2023 – book a free fishing lesson
Spring into Fishing – register for a FREE fishing lesson and get the whole family outdoors
Come and Spring into Fishing at free, fun, outdoor activity events for families around the country that are the perfect way to discover the wonderful world of angling. Everybody is welcome, to come and try fishing – whatever your age, ability or experience level.
Never been fishing before? No problem – tackle, bait, instruction and info on fishing clubs and places to go are all included for everyone at Spring into Fishing events.
Already a beginner? Great – come back and continue your introduction to angling, refresh your basic fishing skills this spring and discover some new fishing tips to help progress your angling to the next-level!
Spring into Fishing beginner sessions are quality assured by the Angling Trust to give the best possible experience of fishing to children, families and anybody who wants to find out what you need and where to go fishing. Funded by the Environment Agency and Sport England, Spring into Fishing gives everyone the chance to get outside, try fishing and learn new skills.
Free fishing events like this let you experience first-hand how fun, inexpensive and accessible fishing is, and how it’s good for your wellbeing to get outside next to water and simply tune-in to the peace and quiet of nature. Spring into Fishing events are happening all over the country from April right through to June at fishing clubs and venues in partnership with friendly, helpful coaches and volunteers who will show you and your children what fishing is all about.
Book places for a free event near you at www.anglingtrust.net/springintofishing.
Photos from Spring into Fishing events
Spring into Fishing and hundreds of other beginner Get Fishing events each year are
coordinated by the Angling Trust and funded by the Environment Agency
Angling Direct is the Exclusive Retail Partner of the Angling Trust’s ‘Get Fishing’ campaign to get more people fishing, more often. This partnership encourages more people to take up angling for the first time, to get back into the sport and brings the health and wellbeing benefits of fishing to a wider audience, across all age groups. Find a friendly fishing shop near to you at www.anglingdirect.co.uk
Shakespeare is the Exclusive Fishing Tackle Partner of the Angling Trust’s ‘Get Fishing’ campaign to get more people fishing, more often. There’s no fish like your first fish. And nobody knows that better than Shakespeare. For over 100 years, Shakespeare has been one of the most recognizable brands in fishing. As more and more newcomers discover the joy of fishing, Shakespeare will be there, providing the gear and inspiration to make sure that the next bite will never be the last. Find out about fishing tackle at www.shakespeare-fishing.co.uk
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