National Angling Strategy Annual Report for 2019 to 2020
Welcome to the first National Angling Strategy Annual Report. This report showcases some of the exciting work that has been carried out by the angling community in 2019/20 contributing to the aims and objectives of the National Angling Strategy.
The National Angling Strategy ‘Angling for Good’ is a partnership-led strategy for 2019 to 2024 that was developed by consultation with the angling community key partners, angling charities and other interested organisations and using feedback from the National Angling Survey in which over 35,000 people took part.
The strategy was officially launched at Get Hooked on Fishing’s Northala Fields venue in Northolt, West London on 24th June 2019 by Emma Howard-Boyd the Chair of the Environment Agency. In attendance were representatives from the Angling Trust, angling community, key partnership organisations, the angling press and angling trade. It set out a vision to:
‘develop a world class recreational angling sector enabling more people from a wider variety of backgrounds to access fishing, meaning they are more active, better connected with the environment and benefiting from the improved health and wellbeing that angling brings.’
The aims of the National Angling Strategy are to:
1. Increase participation in angling to:
a. Increase the numbers of people getting active outdoors through angling.
b. Improve the health and well-being of those that take part.
c. Help people and communities develop with skills, education, volunteering and facilities.2. Connect more people to nature through angling for their well-being and to improve the environment.
3. Increase the economic impact of angling and in particular deliver economic benefits in rural and coastal communities and revenue to clubs, fisheries and businesses.
These aims are being delivered through the following six objectives:
- Develop awareness and knowledge of angling
- Increase participation in angling
- Develop social benefits through angling
- Develop Sustainable Places to Fish
- Increase Angling’s Economic Impact
- Understand angling data and evidence
The report looks at individual case studies from each of these objective areas.
Download the report HERE.