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Virtual Fisheries Forum | Reel Education: The Journey So Far!

28 June 2023 7:00 PM - 28 June 2023 8:30 PM
Open to all


Encouraging the younger generation to join our sport can be a difficult challenge as many angling club & fishery organisations will be aware, however, the Angling Trust are naturally at the forefront of finding innovative ways to engage young people with fishing.

In this next Virtual Fisheries Forum, we will discuss a novel initiative which has been successfully rolled out across England bringing exciting opportunity for young people to experience the combined physical, mental and educational benefits of fishing within a primary school environment delivered through cleverly integrated KS1 & KS2 school curriculum learning objectives.

Reel Education has been made possible with support from project partners Shakespeare and during this forum session we are joined by the scheme’s School Engagement Initiators for England Chris Holden (North England) and Neil Wylie (South England) for an update on the Reel Education journey so far and details of how YOU can help the Angling Trust progress the scheme going forward.

This session is free to attend and open to all anglers, coaches, club officials, fishery owners, or anyone else interested in angling participation development.

We strongly encourage you to forward a link to this page or notify any fishing friends/colleagues who may be able to help progress or utilise the services to our sport offered by the Reel Education initiative!

Wednesday 28th June 2023

Start time: 7:00pm

End time: 8:30pm (approx)




After feedback from previous events, our Virtual Fisheries Forums are now be broadcast via Zoom. Once you’ve registered, you will be sent a link for joining. You do not need an account with Zoom in order to take part.

Virtual Fisheries Forums follow a simple format, with talks from our guest speakers, before an open Q&A session, where your questions and comments will be discussed. Using the Q&A function on Zoom, you will be able to raise questions at any time. We are also happy to take questions in advance of the meeting.

If you are interested but unable to attend the Forum, please register as normal to receive an email alert once our Virtual Fisheries Forum Resources Centre has been updated with a recording of the session.

Want to know more? Contact Sam on 07415 384554 or via [email protected]


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