
Overdue Changes to Channel Commercial Fisheries Introduced… But Are…

FIP Support for Community’s Astonishing Legacy

2025 UK-EU Fishing Agreement Charts Dangerous Path

Sea Anglers Tackle Water Quality and Litter Pollution in…

Book Review – Forgotten Fen by Gareth Craddock

New Crucian carp record – and angler claims his…

Government’s Bathing Water consultation puts river fishing and fish…

Angling Trust 2024 National Coarse Competitions Overview

Anglers represented at inaugural Bass Fisheries Management Group meeting…


The Mighty Trent: A love letter to Britain’s greatest…

The Environment Agency and Angling Trust Get Fishing Fund…
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Watch: from the Angling Trust Youtube channel
This animated video from our Environment team explains how and why you should report sighting of Invasive Non-Native Species every time you go fishing.
Jamie Cook, Angling Trust CEO, visits Benwick Sports Angling Centre in Soham, who have recently joined us as Retail Associate Members.
This Virtual Sea Angling Forum was originally broadcast in December 2021 and explains why and how sea anglers can get involved in the Sea Angling Diary Project.