Schools National Championship
Please note: This competition is subject to and ran in compliance with government restrictions and Covid-19 guidelines. Please click the AT Covid-19 hub here https://anglingtrust.net/covid-19/ for updated information.
Please visit us again here for further updates for this Championship.
Entries to open at a later date to be announced soon.
The Championship is open to teams of five and is available through Schools. The aim of the competition is to promote angling as a fun and vibrant sport to school children. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
Entry fee: £35.00 (teams of 5)
Draw: TBC
Fishing: TBC
EA Rod Licence: Competitors aged 13 and above must be in possession of a valid Environment Agency Rod Licence. Anglers aged 12 and do not require a licence and a licence for children aged 13-16 is free. Failure to possess a rod licence will result in disqualification from the event.
Bait bans: TBC
Refreshments: TBC
Eligible fish: TBC
Procedures: Before going to the Draw all team Captains/Managers must report to the Team Registration Desk where they will record their teams attendance and any changes to the previously nominated team.