
Angling Trust
29 April 2024

Citizen Science month: casting a line for conservation 

April should herald the return of warmer days. While you can’t rely on the weather, you can count on…
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27 February 2024

Angling Trust seek clarification on commercial catch limits for…

The Angling Trust has received several messages over the past week, concerned about the potential fo…
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14 December 2023

Angling Trust fight for anglers to have their say…

Over the last eight weeks, the Angling Trust has worked hard behind the scenes to avoid the worst-ca…
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24 November 2023

“What a load of pollacks!” Angling Trust Urge Minister…

The Angling Trust wrote to the Fisheries Minister, Mark Spencer, on behalf of our members this week…
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16 November 2023

Angling Trust Strongly Oppose Pollack Recreational Fishing Restrictions

The Angling Trust oppose any restrictions for recreational sea anglers following this year’s ICES ad…
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14 June 2023

Project Pollack: Understanding a Recreationally Important Fish

As recreational sea anglers and charter skippers, we have the privilege of enjoying the bountiful ma…
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Get Fishing Resources - Fishbook
21 August 2019

Fishbook: Pollack

‘Fishbook’: Our species-guide series based on “Get Fishing” the brilliant ho…
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