
Angling Trust
02 July 2024

Angling club to champion students’ research into river conservation

Angling Trust member Afan Valley Angling and Conservation Club (AVACC) has formed a long-term partne…
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24 June 2024

From tickling trout to a date at the palace…

“Growing up as a northern country boy, I’d never have dreamed that one day I’d be invited to Bucking…
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Love Fishing Love Nature
18 July 2022

Angling Trust launch new campaign to highlight anglers’ love…

The Angling Trust has launched a new campaign to showcase the fantastic work that many clubs, fisher…
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Grayling conservation
11 August 2021

Grayling facts and angler led conservation

Love grayling fishing? We recently caught up with the Grayling Society to hear more about angler-led…
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18 February 2021

Angling and Nature Conservation Success in the Colne Valley

In the Colne Valley, a region famous for its coarse fishing and home to a large network of gravel pi…
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10 August 2020

Tributes to Angling Trust co-founder Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith ‘one…

Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith, one of our founding members, the first Chairman of the Angling Trust and not…
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