
Shane Patterson 1964-2015

Tribute by John Cheyne, Angling Trust National Regions Manager

Shane Patterson cared a lot about fishing. As Chairman of the Angling Trust North East Forum he ran meetings with a relaxed charm all of his own. He didn’t have a typical chairman’s manner, he just spoke to the anglers in the room as if he was chatting to them on the bank.

Shane turned up at the very first Angling Trust Forum meeting that I ran back in 2012 and immediately got involved and volunteered to help. I don’t think it was even a conscious decision; it was just in his nature to try to help.

Since then he had been a constant positive influence at meetings and chaired forums for both the Tees and the Wear catchments. Shane was the kind of guy who ALWAYS greeted you with a smile and wanted to talk about what you’d been catching and where you’d been fishing before there was any talk of fishing politics.

He will be greatly missed. But I only knew Shane for a very short time and so I’ll leave it to his close friend and former Angling Trust North East Chair Darron Nixon to write a full tribute which you can read below:

Read the full tribute

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