Get Fishing News
Mayor Henna Chowdhury gets into sea fishing on Worthing Pier!
A great day was had by all on Worthing Pier! Mayor Henna Chowdhury pulled in a few on her first fishing experience!
If you want to find out how to get into fishing, we can help! Our Get Fishing events are family and beginner orientated have-a-go sessions where everything you need to get started is included on the day. Most events are completely free or very low-cost and are ideal for beginner anglers or anybody who wants to get back into angling after a break.
Find events at www.anglingtrust.net/getfishing or contact one of our Regional Angling Development Officers to learn how to fish at fun, friendly angling events near to you!
The Get Fishing campaign to get more people fishing more often is funded by the Environment Agency from fishing licence income as part of the National Angling Strategic Services contract with the Angling Trust, and Sport England. Children under 13 do not need a licence, and licences for children aged between 13 and 16 are free but you still need to register and receive a licence in order to go fishing. You can get a licence for the full year, for 8 days (ideal for holidays!) or just a day’s fishing.
NOTE: Although young children who are under 13 year old do not need a licence to fish, the person supervising them needs the proper fishing licence to take hold of the rod or to help the child fish with it.
The Angling Trust’s ‘Get Fishing’ campaign is proudly supported by
Shakespeare, Exclusive Tackle Partner and Angling Direct, Exclusive Retail Partner
as we all work towards getting more people fishing, more often.
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