
Lines On The Water
29 April 2024

The Angling Improvement Fund. How does it work?

Every year, the Environment Agency allocates income from rod licence sales to fund projects aimed at…
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30 October 2023

Skates & Rays Fisheries Management Plan Underway – Save…

Recreational anglers are invited to share their views with the Marine Management Organisation as par…
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Lines On The Water
29 September 2023

An angling consultative on your doorstep?

Imagine what it would be like to have an angling consultant at your permanent disposal. Someone amon…
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Lines On The Water
21 September 2023

A labour of love

The story of a couple who have ploughed much of their personal savings into an angling and activity…
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Lines On The Water
19 September 2023

Investing in the future of our rivers

There are many activities the Environment Agency undertakes with your rod licence money that are les…
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17 July 2023

Bass Fishery Management Plan Consultation Opens

Today (Monday 17th July) the bass fishery management plan consultation has opened for 12-weeks. The…
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04 July 2023

Skippers & Anglers Urge Fisheries Minister Caution on Spurdog

The Angling Trust are proud to support the Pat Smith Database through Shark Hub UK to campaign again…
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UK Sea Fishing Angling Trust Marine Conservation
24 February 2023

“We Need Sea Anglers”: IFCA General Member Applications Extended

The Marine Management Organisation have extended the deadline to apply to be an Inshore Fisheries an…
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19 May 2022

Bass Fishery Management Plan Process Begins

It’s a new dawn for UK fisheries management with a new Fisheries Act (2020) and the government’s sta…
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05 January 2022

Angling Trust Secures Funding for Fisheries Management Plans

The Angling Trust is pleased to announce that government funding through the Fisheries and Seafood S…
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18 August 2020

Dry Weather Advice for Fisheries

Prolonged dry, hot weather can have a detrimental effect on both river and stillwater fisheries. It…
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