Get Fishing for Wellbeing News
Get Fishing and empty your Stress Bucket
“Stress is one of the most common things we Brits experience. In the largest ever stress survey, 74% of people said they felt stressed to the point of feeling they weren’t able to cope.” – source: Mental Health UK
Going fishing is a great way to de-stress in the outdoors, it has a very meditative quality and can help you reconnect with nature, relax and disconnect from everyday anxieties. It’s a really enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours or a whole day doing something you enjoy on your own, with a friend or as an organised group of anglers.
At free Get Fishing events everything you need to start fishing like tackle, bait and a fishing licence are included free too so, although we know that you’ll love your free fishing lesson, you don’t need to make any commitments to begin with. Just come along and enjoy yourself!
Doing something you enjoy is recognised by Mental Health UK to help empty the “stress bucket” that many of us become.
“When I’m fishing nothing else matters. Everything is forgotten. Because of fishing I’ve developed a new appreciation for the outdoors and this beautiful world we live in” – Amelia
Mental Health UK says “Imagine yourself as a bucket of water. As things happen like relationship troubles or work, our bucket of water fills up. Our bucket of water could become too full and we feel overly stressed. But, doing things to relax and that we enjoy help us to release water from our bucket and feel less stressed.”
Read more about the free stress bucket tool and download it here.
Find free fishing events or contact one of our Get Fishing Participation Team closest to you to find your nearest fishing club or venue.
Mental Health UK
[email protected]
Related articles:
19th September 2019 – Read “How fishing can help cope with anxiety”.
We Are Undefeatable: How Fishing can help cope with anxiety
More about We Are Undefeatable:
Join the millions of people managing a range of health conditions that are finding ways to be active that work for them. Share your story with #WeAreUndefeatable
Website: www.weareundefeatable.co.uk
29 August 2019 – Read how the Angling Trust is supporting the We Are Undefeatable campaign by encouraging people to try fishing as a way of moving more, being active and helping with health conditions like these.
Angling supporting Sport England’s new ‘We Are Undefeatable’ campaign
6th September 2019 – We Are Undefeatable: Fishing veteran’s PTSD recovery
We Are Undefeatable: Fishing veteran’s PTSD recovery
30th August 2019 – TV Presenter Will Millard joins angling’s support for We Are Undefeatable campaign
Will Millard joins angling’s support for We Are Undefeatable campaign
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