Get Fishing for Wellbeing News
We Are Undefeatable: How fishing can help cope with anxiety
Angling has joined in with an inspiring new campaign – We Are Undefeatable – which supports the one in four people in England who live with long-term health conditions like depression, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, anxiety and Parkinson’s.
We Are Undefeatable aims to help people build physical activity into their lives, by hearing from others who have become more active through the ups and downs of living with their condition.
Even small amounts of activity can make a significant difference to overall health and wellbeing. That’s why fishing is a perfect fit with We Are Undefeatable – it gets you outdoors and active in the fresh air.
Going fishing is a great way to incorporate physical activity into everyday life too as it can be done at a wide range of places near to where you live or work, can be incorporated with other things like walking to the shops or cycling, needs hardly any equipment, is low cost and can take 30 minutes or a whole day – however long you want to go for!
Amelia contacted us to tell us how going fishing has helped her cope with anxiety…
“I’ve struggled with anxiety quite badly and there is something beautiful about putting the phone away and forgetting the world for a day while you sit at the water’s edge.
When I’m fishing nothing else matters. Everything is forgotten. Because of fishing I’ve developed a new appreciation for the outdoors and this beautiful world we live in. I never thought I’d say a fish was beautiful, but I’ve well and truly come across some beautiful creatures on the bank. I’ve surprised even myself with fishing – it’s the most therapeutic sport going!”
To find an event where you can learn how fishing is a great way to move more and help with your own or a family member’s physical or mental health issues just visit our events calendar.
Related articles:
29 August 2019 – Read how the Angling Trust is supporting the We Are Undefeatable campaign by encouraging people to try fishing as a way of moving more, being active and helping with health conditions like these.
Angling supporting Sport England we are undefeatable campaign
6th September 2019 – We Are Undefeatable: Fishing veteran’s PTSD recovery
We Are Undefeatable: Fishing veteran’s PTSD recovery
30th August 2019 – TV Presenter Will Millard joins angling’s support for We Are Undefeatable campaign
Will Millard joins angling’s support for We Are Undefeatable campaign
More about We Are Undefeatable:
Join the millions of people managing a range of health conditions that are finding ways to be active that work for them. Share your story with #WeAreUndefeatable
Website: www.weareundefeatable.co.uk
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