
Biosecurity and Invasive Non Native Species

This portal will reopen for project applications to manage Biosecurity and Invasive Non Native Species issues, at 9am on 1st October 2024.

How to Apply

Guidance notes and Application Form


In order to apply you will need to register your organisation on the Grant Management system, to do this please click here:     (This is NOT your Angling Trust Membership number and details)

You must read the guidance note before applying which has all the relevant information required. We have also provided 2 further guidance documents for specific projects relating to either the installation of a washdown facility and/or the control of invasive species.

In addition to the Guidance Notes we have provided an advice sheet that gives advice on how to structure and write your application in order to give your project the best possible chance of success. All of these documents are available below.

Only applications submitted via this portal will be considered


Biosecurity risk assessments are available below. These must be submitted as part of your application. Please select the assessment that is most appropriate for your venue: 


Need further assistance?

Please contact:

Andy Petch, Angling Improvement Fund Manager – 07495 433 626 for general enquires relating to your application

Chloe Guy, Angling Improvement Fund Administrator – 07496 251 827 for registration and technical queries


About the Angling Improvement Fund

The Angling Improvement Fund (AIF) is a way of reinvesting income from fishing licence sales in projects which benefit anglers across England.

Since its launch in 2015, the AIF has made over 600 separate awards totalling over £2.4m to clubs and fisheries that aimed to improve the infrastructure of angling facilities all of which support the National Angling Strategy. Recent Projects included ways to help tackle the predation of fish stocks, improve biosecurity, encourage more people to go fishing and provided bursaries for over 200 new coaching licences.

The AIF is administered by the Angling Trust on behalf of the Environment Agency who provide the funding through the sale of the non-migratory trout and coarse fishing licences. The total value of the programme, taking into account match-funding, is an estimated £7.5 million.  This has created and safeguarded tens of thousands of angling opportunities throughout England through more sustainable habitats and enabled clubs, fisheries and other angling organisations to flourish and attract more anglers.

The Environment Agency (EA) also runs the Fisheries Improvement Programme (FIP) here, another excellent way to reinvest licence income into positive outcomes for anglers. This is currently closed but will reopen later this year. To find out more about FIP, contact your local EA Officer. You can locate them by calling 03708 506 506.

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